Simplify your Mission Processing and Communication Systems with a Modular Open System Approach
Our Modular Open System Approach (MOSA) to Building Mission Processing Systems, Modules, and Secure Data and Communications Links Enables Them to Scale and Evolve at the Speed of Technology. MOSA Allows Proven Technology Blocks to be Reused for Scalability Across Platforms and Form Factors and Builds in a Versatile Security Framework Enabling Them to be Deployed Anywhere.
Our mission computing solutions are as varied as the domains they serve and feature the latest technology from partners including Intel, NVIDIA, Xilinx, and Cisco for their performance, expansive ecosystems of IP, and interoperability. To reduce your program complexity and risk, we simplify technology by using a MOSA to create a broad portfolio of scalable system building blocks that are easy to combine and use.
Secure Wireless for Tactical, Expeditionary, and Deployable Communications
The National Security Agency (NSA) Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program protects classified data by leveraging a two-layered approach using commercial security components. Compared to a traditional government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) Type 1 approach, a CSfC solution can be fielded in months instead of years and for a fraction of the investment.
Proven Built-In Security for the Most Contested Missions
Security is critical for modern aerospace missions and is increasingly mandated for new programs and technology refreshes. An effective security approach that spans software, firm, and hardware is most effective and less costly when a flexible security framework is built-in. Our enhanced TCOTS, CSfC, security-enabled data, and communication links create seamless layers of security to protect missions in the most contested environments.
Integrated Data Links Made Simple
Current tactical data links (TDL) are typically comprised of a network of participants using different radios and computer systems attempting to exchange information with each other using a multitude of different, non-interoperable protocols and messaging systems. TCG TDL technology is a force-multiplier that translates each tactical protocol/language, enabling different data links to seamlessly communicate clearly and efficiently. Learn how the navy used TCG solutions to simplify their data links.
System Miniaturization Adds Mission Capability to Small Mobile Platforms
System integrators continuously seek more efficient SWaP and lower-cost sensor/vetronics/avionics processing systems for unmanned platforms. Our groundbreaking miniaturization of mission processor and network switch subsystems enables smaller ground, air, and sea platforms to expand their mission capabilities with rugged ultra-small form factor (USFF) processing systems.