Technical Support Requests for Video & Computing Systems and Flight Recorders

Curtiss-Wright is committed to the success of your program. Our technical support team is available to answer your questions. We look forward to being your preferred supplier and exceeding your expectations. 

Please contact this facility for inquiries regarding crash survivable recorders, PGS replay software, quick access recorders, air data computers and accessories, ice detection equipment, video management systems, mission displays, PCOTS systems, radar processing and legacy Penny & Giles products. We can also supply documents such as service bulletins or service information letters (SIL) upon request.

Contact Support 

To contact our Technical Support office:
Tel: +44-1202-034000
Email: [email protected]

Address:  Curtiss-Wright, 15 Enterprise Way, Aviation Park West, Bournemouth International Airport, Christchurch, BH23 6HH, UK

To return materials to us, please submit an RMA request.

Support Downloads:

Service Bulletin Register - January 2025
Technical Publications Register - January 2025

Submit a Support Request

Some issues can be resolved without sending the material back to Curtiss-Wright.  However, if our technical support team is not able to assist you, please submit an RMA request.


Contact Curtiss-Wright for an RMA

An RMA is the official authorization from Curtiss-Wright that it will accept products to be returned from a customer site. An RMA is typically granted when a problem with a product necessitates its return to us for repair, rework, or replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions

PGS Ground Replay Software

FAQ/072 PGS Ground Replay Software - PN/010000XXX (all versions): When trying to run PGS software, why do I get an error message E0002?
FAQ/073 PGS Ground Replay Software - PN/010000XXX (all versions): When trying to run PGS software, why do I get an error message E0007?
FAQ/074 PGS Ground Replay Software - PN/010000XXX (all versions): When trying to run PGS software, why do I get an error message E0047?


FAQ/054 OQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX: Are there any formatting requirements for MO disks used in the OQAR?
FAQ/055 OQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX: What is the purpose of the battery pack in the OQAR? Are there any maintenance recommendations for the battery pack?
FAQ/056 OQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all OQAR versions): Why does the OQAR display BAD MEDIA message?
FAQ/057 OQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all OQAR versions): Why does the OQAR display INVALID MEDIA message?
FAQ/058 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): Can I easily check how much recording media space has been used in my OQAR/PQAR?
FAQ/059 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): Can I install an OQAR or PQAR in place of the existing tape-based QAR on my aircraft?
FAQ/060 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): Can I prefix recorded OQAR/PQAR data files with the aircraft tail number?
FAQ/061 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): How can I check the settings for data format configuration?
FAQ/062 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): How can I interrogate the ARINC 429 labels configured into the OQAR/PQAR?
FAQ/063 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): How do I enable or disable the Recycling mode on my OQAR or PQAR?
FAQ/064 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): How do I restore the OQAR/PQAR to its default configuration?
FAQ/065 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): How do I set time and date in the OQAR/PQAR internal clock?
FAQ/066 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): On the recording media, what is the purpose of the USERAREA folder?
FAQ/067 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): There is no flight data on the recording media from this OQAR/PQAR. How can I check to see if the OQAR/PQAR is receiving data from the DMU on the aircraft?
FAQ/068 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): What files and folders should be on the MO disk removed from OQAR or on the PCMCIA card removed from PQAR?
FAQ/069 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): What files do I need to delete from the recording media, before re-using it?
FAQ/070 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): What is Run Control? Is my OQAR/PQAR configured for it?
FAQ/075 PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all PQAR versions): Are there any formatting requirements for PCMCIA cards used in the PQAR?
FAQ/071 OQAR and PQAR - PN/D52000-XXXXX (all models): What is the recording capacity of the OQAR or PQAR?
FAQ/076 QAR Test Set - PN/D51501: Is there any specific calibration requirement for the QAR Test Set?