Ruggedization & Reliability


Ruggedized Solutions with Trusted and Proven Reliability

Evaluating and comparing rugged COTS boards and systems can be confusing. Although military ruggedization standards simplify the process, techniques and methodologies to ensure ruggedness and reliability can differ from one vendor to another. Curtiss-Wright goes beyond standard industry processes to deliver ruggedized solutions with trusted and proven reliability that cannot be matched in the industry. We use the insight gained through advanced reliability analysis and testing to optimize designs and improve reliability. Testing for failures begins in the earliest development stages and continues throughout the manufacturing process. 

To ensure Curtiss-Wright products do not fail in the field, products undergo rigorous testing to the point of failure in the lab. Review the Curtiss-Wright standards for ruggedization in the table below.

New Levels of Reliability

With Curtiss-Wright's highly scientific approach to advanced reliability testing, analysis, and failure mitigation, reliability reaches the highest possible levels in every aspect of solution design. Curtiss-Wright uses finite element analysis (FEA) tools to model mechanical designs and regularly test hardware, components, and connectors on representative boards to ensure product integrity. For example, all circuit card assemblies (CCAs) are subjected to shock and vibration testing to understand, measure, and mitigate fretting wear and corrosion on connectors.

Additionally, extensive time and effort go into rigorous thermal testing and analysis to ensure solutions perform reliably for years in extreme environments. Thermal designs are modeled and thoroughly tested to increase power dissipation while remaining within device limits. Some of Curtiss-Wright's innovations in this area include using:

  • TherMax thermal frame designs increase heat flow from components to the external thermal interface 
  • Heat shunts from hot components to an unused chassis interface above the wedgelock 
  • Heat shunts from high-power PMC modules directly to the thermal interfaces 
  • The first effective solution development using heat pipes to cool high-power processor devices

World Class Manufacturing

To ensure that no printed wiring board (PWB) weaknesses go undetected, Curtiss-Wright takes its reliability testing, fault identification, and mitigation techniques to microscopic levels. This comprehensive approach has been practiced for years

Curtiss-Wright has tested and proven a superior solution to mitigate against pad cratering that has been deployed for a decade. Pad cratering occurs when mechanical stress, such as temperature, vibration, or PWB bending, creates tiny cracks that detach the pad from the PWB, leaving a "crater" on the board. This insidious failure can plague high-reliability electronics and is often difficult to detect.

Curtiss-Wright leads industry efforts in applying conformal coatings, cleaning techniques, and lead-free soldering techniques that are proven to mitigate against tin whiskers effectively. These needle-like, crystalline structures are 10 to 100 times thinner than a human hair yet conduct electricity, potentially causing short circuits on CCAs.

Results of Curtiss-Wright's extensive failure testing and analysis have led to several operational improvements, including:

  • Reliability risk assessment (RRA) and mitigation on all new solutions, leveraging data from our extensive reliability knowledge database 
  • Reliability prediction tools
  • PWB design and fabrication and in-house manufacturing to IPC Class 3 enhanced with additional rules 
  • Extensive qualification testing with full functional testing 
  • VITA 47 Reliability Demonstration Testing (RDT) 
  • In-house manufacturing to IPC Class 3 
  • Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) for all ruggedized solutions 
  • A micro sectioning lab for failure analysis
  • Solution reliability tracking

Together, these initiatives serve as a strong foundation to advance failure detection and analysis capabilities, further increasing the long-term reliability of Curtiss-Wright products in the field. That reliability is one of the key reasons Curtiss-Wright has been a trusted provider of rugged and reliable solutions that has been proven in the field for a decade.

Curtiss-Wright Standards for Ruggedization

Level 0
Level 50
Level 100
Conduction-Cooled Level 0Conduction-Cooled Level 100Conduction-Cooled Level 200Conduction-Cooled Level 300Air Flow Through (Note 6)
Operating Temperature0 to 50°C (Note 4)-20 to 65°C (Note 4)-40 to 71°C (Note 4)0 to 50°C (Note 7)-40 to 71°C (Note 7)-40 to 85°C (Note 7)-40 to 85°C (Note 7)0 to 55°C (Notes 4, 8)
Non-Operating Temperature (Storage)-40 to 85°C-40 to 85°C-55 to 125°C-40 to 85°C-55 to 125°C-55 to 125°C-55 to 125°C-55 to 125°C
Non-Operating Humidity (Storage)0-95% non-condensing0-100% non-condensing0-100% non-condensing0-95% non-condensing0-100% non-condensing0-100% non-condensing0-100% non-condensing0-100% non-condensing
Vibration Sine (Note 1)2g Peak 
2g Peak 
10g Peak
2g Peak 
10g Peak
10g Peak 
10g Peak 
10g Peak 
Vibration Random (Note 2)0.04 @ 5Hz
0.04 @ 100Hz
0.01 @ 2000Hz
0.04 @ 5Hz
0.04 @ 100Hz
0.01 @ 2000Hz
0.002 @ 5Hz
0.04 @ 15Hz 
0.04 @ 2000Hz
0.04 @ 5Hz
0.04 @ 100Hz
0.01 @ 2000Hz
0.005 @ 5Hz
0.1 @ 15Hz
0.1 @ 2000Hz
0.005 @ 5Hz
0.1 @ 15Hz
0.1 @ 2000Hz
0.005 @ 5Hz
0.1 @ 15Hz
0.1 @ 2000Hz
0.005 @ 5Hz
0.1 @ 15Hz
0.1 @ 2000Hz
Shock (Note 3)20g Peak20g Peak30g Peak20g Peak40g Peak40g Peak40g Peak40g Peak
Altitude (Notes 9)-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft-1,500 to 60,000 ft
Conformal CoatNoConsult FactoryYesNoYesYesYesYes
2 Level Maintenance Covers----NoNoYesYes


Engineered for Ruggedization and Reliability

Reliability of Electronics
Reliability of Electronics
The ability of a product to function under given conditions and for a specified period of time without exceeding acceptable failure levels.
VITA 47 is Proven Reliability
VITA 47 is Proven Reliability
Defines rugged environmental, design and construction, safety, and quality requirements for COTS plug-in units intended for mobile
Technology Readiness Level
Technology Readiness Level
Curtiss-Wright COTS boards and systems mitigate technical maturity and product obsolescence issues using open architecture industry
Lead Free Electronics
Lead Free Electronics
Curtiss-Wright implemented best practices for the design and production of lead-free assemblies to ensure reliability.
Curtiss-Wright has developed system solutions currently deployed in military and commercial rotorcraft, manned fixed-wing, unmanned, ground, naval and space systems.