NSA Type 1 Encryption

What is NSA Type 1 Encryption?

A Type 1 product is a Classified or Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI) endorsed by the NSA for securing classified and sensitive U.S. Government information when appropriately keyed. The term refers only to products, and not to information, keys, services, or controls.

NSA Type 1 Encryption 
The United States government classified data may range from Confidential to Secret to Top Secret. Type 1 devices are available to US government users, their contractors, and federally sponsored non-US government activities subject to export restrictions in accordance with International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). As cryptographic security devices, Type 1 encryptors are communications security (COMSEC) equipment. For effective COMSEC, sound cryptographic systems must be combined with transmission security, physical security, and emission security.

Review DAR Encryption Approaches

NSA CSfC and Common Criteria

Strategy to deliver secure solutions that leverage commercial technologies and products.

NIST FIPS 140-2 Cryptography

An internationally recognized security certification standard for commercial cryptography.