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Implementing Security from Design Through Production
Curtiss-Wright goes the extra mile to protect our supply chain and manufacturing processes. This ensures that customers can trust that all components on our products are authentic and all processes meet the strictest quality controls. Control over the chain of custody can only be ensured by purchasing components through controlled, authorized channels.
To ensure the integrity of the supply chain, we flow down all requirements involving the use of franchise suppliers to vendors and insist that if the vendors must go outside of standard channels, they must request and receive permission from us before proceeding. We also review and approve all required authentication, testing, and other requirements.
Our technology solutions extend Trusted Computing best practices to every part of the development process, from design and testing to supply chain and manufacturing. The highest possible levels of protection are built into every aspect of solution development to increase the overall value that COTS solutions can provide in a secure system. Curtiss-Wright takes a holistic view of Trusted Computing, going above and beyond the efforts of other vendors to apply the advanced protection capabilities needed to develop truly secure COTS solutions. It’s one of the main reasons the company has been a trusted, proven leader in the global defense and aerospace industries for decades.
Secure Manufacturing and Design Integrity
We provide robust mechanisms to protect our manufacturing facilities and mitigate any insider threats. Employees are subject to background checks before they are allowed to work on the manufacturing floor. Based on customer requirements, product is manufactured at sites accredited to handle ITAR information, and employees at these locations are ITAR cleared. As well, we have U.S. manufacturing sites that are secure facilities capable of handling classified data and components.
What’s more, to ensure design integrity throughout the product development process, Curtiss-Wright has facilities compliant to the U.S. DoD’s Risk Management Framework (RMF). This framework provides controls for the engineering environment to manage and mitigate unauthorized access, modification, loss, or theft of critical design information.
Counterfeit Parts Mitigation
The most important starting point for establishing a secure supply chain is ensuring the integrity of every part and component. That’s why we only buy components directly from franchise sources, from the components’ Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), or through the OEM’s authorized distribution channel. Once a component is no longer available through franchise sources, we employ industry leading anti-counterfeit controls.
We stay on top of new and evolving regulatory standards, implementing controlled processes designed to prevent counterfeit parts from entering the supply chain at any point in the product life cycle. Our SAE AS5553 (Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition) compliant process uses approved vendors who have been audited and monitored to ensure their authenticity and provide an audit trail for all components. We’re also compliant with SAE AS6174 (Counterfeit Materiel; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming Materiel) standard, which now includes non-electrical component counterfeit mitigation.

Establishing a Trusted Supply Chain
Data Protection & Product LifeCycle Management

Curtiss-Wright offers proven and certified COTS storage solutions that match data security requirements,

Data-in-motion, also called data-in-transit, refers to digital information when transferring between network system nodes.

Our TrustedCOTS products provide confidence in the security and un-compromised protections.

Reduce the risk of component obsolescence and increase program stability to mitigate financial risk.
Our Global Manufacturing

With design and manufacturing centers in 7 states, Curtiss-Wright is uniquely positioned to address your electronics, packaging, and systems challenges.

Our ability to manufacture in Canada supports the government’s Industrial Technological Benefits and Value Proposition (ITB/VP) Program.

Our facilities specialize in the design of mission displays, flight recorders, computing systems, video recorders & video management systems.

We develop and manufacture leading motion control solutions for the industrial and defense industries.