Processor Cards

Processor Cards
Processor Cards
Processor Cards

Trusted, Proven Processor Cards From the Leaders in MOSA Hardware

Whether you're looking for hardened Trusted Computing capabilities or alignment to open standards like CMOSS or the SOSA Technical Standard, our selection of rugged processor cards has you covered. Featuring industry-leading Intel and NXP Arm and Power Architecture processors, our 3U and 6U VPX, 6U VME, and XMC single board computers (SBCs) and digital signal processing (DSP) cards are backed by our lifecycle management services to support extended availability for the duration of your program.

3U VPX Processor Cards
Choose the ideal 3U VPX processor card for your system's performance, security, and SWaP requirements.
6U VPX Processor Cards
Choose the ideal 6U VPX processor card for your system's performance, security, and SWaP requirements.
VME Processor Cards
Bring modern performance and Trusted Computing features to VME systems with our VME SBCs.
XMC Processor Cards
Add functionality or even more performance without occupying an extra slot.

Our Approach to Secure Processing

The threats facing today's defense and aerospace applications are more varied and sophisticated than ever. Curtiss-Wright builds trusted computing technologies and techniques into every aspect of our security solution development, from design and testing to supply chain and manufacturing. This comprehensive, end-to-end approach creates an effective mesh of protection layers that integrate to ensure reliability in the face of attempted compromise. Learn more about our TrustedCOTS and enhanced TrustedCOTS approaches to program protection.

SOSA- and CMOSS-Aligned Hardware and Integration Services

Our innovative products designed to meet CMOSS and SOSA program requirements provide the hardware foundation for next-generation defense capabilities, like machine learning and artificial intelligence. And our system integration experts are ready to provide the expertise and services to bring your system to market even faster.


Protect Your Investment With Total LifeCycle Management

We reduce the risk of obsolescence and uncertainty with our Total LifeCycle Management program, which offers unprecedented visibility into program technology. Total LifeCycle Management optimizes program costs with a blended approach to COTS longevity that balances technology insertion and inventory investment to provide a proactive method tailored to your specific needs. Plus, you'll never miss a beat with our user-friendly portal that places key information at your fingertips, 24/7.


Reduce Cost, Risk, and Time to Market With COTS Hardware

Our broad selection of open-architecture, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) rugged embedded computing solutions process data in real-time to support mission-critical functions. Field-proven, highly engineered, and manufactured to stringent quality standards, Curtiss-Wright’s COTS boards leverage our extensive experience and expertise to reduce your program cost, development time, and overall risk.

Read the Brochure

Today's defense applications demand smaller, faster and smarter technology to maximize performance while minimizing size, weight, and power (SWaP). What's more, defense technology must provide strong, dependable protection against environmental, cybersecurity and anti-tamper vulnerabilities, and a well-supported lifecycle throughout the duration of today's defense programs. Curtiss-Wright processor cards are supported by a range of Board Support Packages (BSPs) and device drivers. For programs with DO-254 requirements, our selection of commercially designed, safety-certifiable SBCs are delivered with a full artifacts package to reduce the risk, cost, and development time required to reach certification.

Strengthen your program with our end-to-end services and support