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The MBIM-232D-4 is a 2-channel RS-232 bus monitor module for use in MEDAU/MCDAU/MnACQ/MWDAU-2000 series products. The module supports serial communications per the EIA-RS-232 standard at baud rates from 50 baud up to 460.8 Kbaud on a perchannel basis (921.6 Kbaud in Kulite mode). One channel operation up to 921.6 Kbaud. High, low, and micro timestamping are provided on a per-data-packet basis.
- 2-channel RS-232/422/485 bus monitor module
- Compatible with RS-232 Honeywell PPT Transducers, Model PPT, PPT-R and PPT2
- Compatible with Rosemount Micro Air Data Transducer (Model 2014MB)
- Compatible with Paroscientific Pressure Transducers (Series 1000, 6000, and 9000) (Output data formatted as IEEE- 754 32 bit or scaled 16-bit binary format)
- Compatible with Kulite pressure scanner model KMPS-1-32/64
- Programmable RS-232 characteristics:
- RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 operation
- Baud rates from 50 to 460,800 Baud (921,600 in Kulite mode)
- 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits
- 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits
- Odd, even, or no parity
- Aircraft instrumentation
- Avionics
- Lab test