Data Acquisition Systems

For anything from data capture in the air to replay and analysis on the ground, partnering with the world's leading aerospace data acquisition provider simplifies flight test instrumentation system design and installation. Curtiss-Wright's expertise reduces the risk of capturing useless data, having to repeat a flight, or compromising the integrity of a maintenance program, and suffering the schedule and financial costs. Development is accelerated with a faster and more flexible installation using the most extensive set of solutions on the market that can quickly meet changing requirements. And 24/7 pre-and post-sales support ensures help is there when you need it.

Miniature Network Data acquisition Systems

Miniature Network Data Acquisition Units (TTC MnDAU) deliver network-based, high-speed data acquisition and encoding in an environmentally sealed package and small footprint.

MnACQ Analog Modules

Curtiss-Wright offers a wide selection of analog signal acquisition modules from sensors such as thermocouples, strain gauges, and accelerometers. These can be formatted and packetized to send to recording devices, transmitters, and other nodes connected to the network.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
MAMM-124B High Speed, 24-Ch Signal Conditioning Signal Conditioning Module
MBRC-112A 12 Channel Bridge Completion Module Bridge Completion Module
MCAS-104D-3 4-Channel Single-Ended Charge Amplifier Signal Conditioning Module
MGRC-102W 2-Channel Auto Gain Ranging Conditioner Module Auto Gain Ranging Conditioner
MGRC-202W 2-Channel Auto Gain Ranging Conditioner Module Auto Gain Ranging Conditioner
MLRV-102E 2-Channel LVDT/RVDT Conditioner Module LVDT/RVDT
MLRV-102H-2 2-Channel High-Voltage LVDT/RVDT Conditioner Module LVDT/RVDT
MPMC-106V-1 Variable Frequency 3-Phase Power Quality Monitor LVDT/RVDT
TTC MSCW-606D Wideband Acquisition Module N/A
MRTD-110B 2, 3 & 4-Wire Compatible 10-Ch RTD Signal Conditioning RTD
MRTD-114A-1 High-Speed 14-Channel RTD Signal Conditioning Module RTD
MSCD-108D 8-Channel Signal Conditioning Module Signal Conditioning
MSCD-606D 6-Channel Signal Conditioning Module Signal Conditioning
MSCL-116A-1 16-Channel Miniature Shunt Calibration Module Shunt Calibration
MSRD-202A 2-Channel Synchro/Resolver Signal Conditioning Module Synchro/Resolver
MTCD-208B High Speed 8-Channel Thermocouple Conditioner Module Thermocouple Signal Conditioning
Organization Deploys Total FTI System Solution

Real-world example of an aircraft OEM that successfully integrated a flight test solution for one of its new jets.

MnACQ Bus Modules

The MnACQ can utilize a wide range of bus monitoring modules to meet most needs off-the-shelf. These are ideal for use in rugged data acquisition chassis for flight test instrumentation and other avionics applications.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
MBIM-394-1 IEEE 1394 Bus Monitor Module IEEE 1394b
MBCT-553T-1 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Controller Module MIL-STD-1553 Controller
MBIM-162P-1/-2 16PP194 W-Mux Bus Acquisition Modules 16PP194 W-Mux bus
MBIM-232D-2 2-Channel RS-232/422/485 Bus Monitor Module RS-232/422/485
MBIM-232D-4 2-Channel RS-232/422/485 Bus Monitor Module RS-232/422/485
MBIM-232N 2-Channel RS-232/422 Bus Monitor Module RS-232/422
MBIM-429C-1 8 Channel ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Module ARINC-429
MBIM-553A-1 Dual-Redundant MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Module MIL-STD-1553
MBIM-553A-4 Dual-Redundant MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Module MIL-STD-1553
MBIM-553A-8 Dual-Redundant MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Module MIL-STD-1553
MBIM-553B-1 Dual-Redundant MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Module MIL-STD-1553
MBIM-553C-8 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Module MIL-STD-1553
MBIM-553M-1 MIL-STD-1553 Interface Module MIL-STD-1553
MBLT-101R-1 Bluetooth Interface Module Bluetooth
MBLT-101T PCM-to-Bluetooth Converter Module Bluetooth
MBSD-110 10 Mbps PCM Bit Synchronizer Module PCM Bit Synchronizer
MCAN-102A 2-Channel CAN Bus Monitoring Module for MxDAU CANBus
MCDL-202A-1 Cross Channel Data Link Bus Monitor Module Cross Channel Data Link (CCDL)
MCIF-105 Remote CAIS Interface Pluggable Module Remote CAIS Interface
MCMP-112 Chapter 8 Compatible MIL-STD-1553 Composite Output Module MIL-STD-1553
METI-201G Miniature Ethernet Acquisition Module Ethernet
METI-301G Miniature Ethernet Acquisition Module Ethernet Filtering
MPCM-102M Dual-Ch. PCM Interface Module for MSSR-2010-SA/MSSR-110C PCM
MPCM-102N Dual-Channel PCM Interface Module PCM
MPCM-102R Dual-Channel PCM Interface Module PCM
MSDI-102-5 Miniature Serial Data Interface RS-422
MWSR-100A Miniature Wideband CAIS Interface Module CAIS
MBCT-553 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Controller Module MIL-STD-1553 Controller
MBCT-553M MIL-STD-1553 Bus Controller Module MIL-STD-1553 Controller
MTSB-102-1 2-Channel Serial Data Module RS-422
MGWY-101G Miniature Network Gateway Module N/A
TTC MDAU-1394 3-channel IEEE-1394b Miniature Bus Data Acquisition Unit IEEE 1394b
TTC MDAU-1553 8-channel MIL-STD-1553 Miniature Bus Data Acquisition Unit MIL-STD-1553

MnACQ Other Modules

These are the MnACQ modules that don't fit neatly into larger categories that add various functionality to your flight test instrumentation or other avionics application such as video encoding, storage, and GPS input.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
TTC MNSW-503-2 3-Port Ethernet Network Tap DAU Module
TTC MNSW-503-1 3-Port Network Switch Module with IEEE 1588 Time Switch Module
TTC MNSW-503-3 3-Port Network Switch Module with IEEE 1588-2008 Time Switch Module
MVID-541M H.264 DVI/VGA/CVBS HD Video/Audio for the MnHSD-2000 Video Acquisition
MVID-541S H.264 3G/HD-SDI Video/Audio Module for the MnHSD-2000 Video Acquisition
MAUD-104M Miniature Audio Input Module Audio Acquisition
MGPS-101B GPS/IRIG Position/Time Code Reader and Generator GPS/IRIG Position/Time Code Reader and Generator
MGPS-101A Miniature GPS Postion/Time Code Generator Module GPS/IRIG Position/Time Code Reader and Generator
MAUD-102N2 Miniature Audio Input Module Audio Acquisition
MBIT-100 Built-in Test and Transmitter Programming Module Built in Test and Transmitter Programming
MBLS-132-1 32-Channel Bi-Level Multiplexer Module 32-Channel Bi-Level Multiplexer
MCFM-110 Dual Miniature Compact Flash Memory Interface Module Compact Flash Memory Interface
MCVS-102V 2-Channel CVSD Voice Conditioner Module 2-Channel CVSD Voice Conditioner
MFDR-101A Adaptable Miniature Filter Driver Module Adaptable Miniature Filter Driver
MFED-208A Frequency/Event/Discrete Conditioner Module Frequency/Event/Discrete Conditioner
MFPD-102B 2-Channel Frequency/Period/Accumulator Conditioner Module Frequency/Period/Accumulator Conditioner
MIRG-120B-1 IRIG Time Reader/Generator Module IRIG Time Reader/Generator
MIRG-220B IRIG Time Code Reader/Generator Module IRIG Time Code Reader / Generator
MIRG-220M IRIG Time Reader/Generator Module IRIG Time Reader/Generator
MIRG-221B IRIG Time Code Reader & Generator with RTC & Battery Backup IRIG Time Code Reader and Generator
MPSS-101D-1 64-Ch PSI HD Convent. & DTC Pressure Scanner PSI HD conventional and DTC pressure scanner interface
MVID-201M-1 MPEG-2 Video/Audio Acquisition Module MPEG-2 Video/Audio Acquisition
MVID-301D H.264 High Definition Video/Audio Acquisition Module H.264 High Definition Video/Audio Acquisition
MVID-301S H.264 3G/HD-SDI Video/Audio Acquisition Module H.264 3G/HD-SDI Video/Audio Acquisition
MVID-401M-1 MPEG-4 Video/Audio Acquisition Module MPEG-4 Video/Audio Acquisition
MSBD-102-1 Serial Burst Data and PCM Data Delay Module Serial Burst Data and PCM Data Delay
MSDD-101-1 Serial Data Delay Module Serial Data Delay

MnACQ Overhead and PSU Modules

MnACQ overhead and PSU modules are essential in every MnACQ system to provide programming, control, and power.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
MACQ-600-1 IEEE-1588 Time and Ethernet Overhead Module Ethernet Overhead
MMCI-105E Master CAIS Interface Module for the MCDAU-2000 CAIS Overhead
MPFM-461/MPSM-2XXX Miniature Power Supply Module Set Power Supply Module Set
MPSM-2002-1 230 Watt Power Supply MEDAU/MCDAU/MWDAU Power Supply
MPSM-2002A-1 230 Watt Power Supply MEDAU/MCDAU/MWDAU Power Supply
MPIM-2002-2 230 Watt Power Supply MEDAU/MCDAU/MWDAU Power Interface

MnACQ Stack

MnACQ stacks provide a good starting point for many DAUs or directly provide a number of solutions to common FTI applications such as video encoders and Ethernet gateways.

Product Image Product Name Description # of Modules Data Sheet
MiTSPI nTTU-2600 Miniature Network TSPI Stack 5
Mn553-2000 Network-Based MIL-STD-1553 Acquisition with IEEE 1588 8
TTC MCDAU-20XX Miniature CAIS Data Acquisition and Encoding Unit 31
TTC Mn429-2000 Miniature Network ARINC 429 Interface Unit 8
TTC Mn664-2000E Miniature Network ARINC-664 Interface Unit 5
TTC Mn664-2000L Miniature Network ARINC-664 Interface Unit 4
TTC MnACQ-2600 Miniature Network Data Acquisition and Encoding Unit 31
TTC MnACQ-2700 Miniature Network Data Acquisition and Encoding Unit 31
TTC MnENT-2000-1 Miniature Ethernet Acquisition and Encoding 5
TTC MnHFC-2000-1 Miniature Networked HFC Data Acquisition Unit 3
TTC MnHSD-2000 Miniature Networked DAU 31
TTC MnPCM-2000 Miniature PCM to Network Gateway 3
TTC MnVID-2000 Miniature Network Video Encoder Unit 4
TTC MWDAU-20XX 20 Mbps Miniature Wide-band Data Acquisition Unit 31
TTC nGWY-2000EU Network Data Selector 3

Axon Data Acquisition Systems

Ultra-compact, scalable & reliable data acquisition.

Axon AXN

Data acquisition system optimized to integrate with existing Acra KAM-500 hardware and software.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
AXN/CHS/03U Axon Chassis - 3 User-Slots Chassis
AXN/CHS/06U Axon Chassis, 6 User-Slots Chassis
AXN/CHS/09U/B Axon Chassis, 9 User-Slots Chassis
AXN/CHS/16U Axon Chassis, 16 User-Slots Chassis
AXN/BCU/402/C Axon Backplane Controller Backplane Controller
AXN/ADC/401 Flexible ADC Module - 8 Analog Channels ADC Module
AXN/ADC/404/B Axon Full/Half Bridge ADC ADC Module
AXN/ADC/405 Differential Ended ADC (5 kHz b/w) - 24 Analog Channels ADC Module
AXN/ADC/406 16 Channel ¼-Bridge ADC ADC Module
AXN/ADC/408 3 Phase Power Monitor 3-Phase Power Monitor Module - 6 Analog Channels 3 Phase Power Monitor
AXN/TCG/401/B Time-code Generator Time code/Voice module
AXN/TDC/401 Thermocouple ADC Module - 15 Channels ADC Module
AXN/ENC/401 Axon IRIG-106 PCM Encoder PCM Encoder, IRIG 106 Chapter 4
AXN/ABM/401 24 Channel ARINC-429 Bus Monitor/Packetizer Bus monitor
AXN/DSI/401/B 24 Channel Discrete Input Discrete/Counter Module
AXN/UBM/401 16 Channel Serial Bus Parser/Packetizer Bus Parser/Packetizer
AXN/ITE/01U Remote Housing for Axon Module Remote Housing
AXN/EXT/401 Axon Extender Card Extender Card
AXN/MBM/401 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer Bus Parser/Packetizer
AXN/MBM/402 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer Bus Parser/Packetizer
AXN/DSI/402/B 24 Channel Discrete Input Discrete/Counter Module
AXN/ENC/402 Axon IRIG-106 Chapter 7 PCM Encoder PCM Encoder, IRIG 106 Chapter 7
AXN/ICP/401/B Accelerometer ADC with FFT and TEDS support, 12 ch at 25 ksps ADC Module
AXN/HSS/401 High-speed Serial Interface Synchronous Serial Module
AXN/ICP/402 Accelerometer ADC with FFT and TEDS support, 4 ch at 100 ksps ADC Module
AXN/MEM/401 Axon PCAP Recorder Module Axon PCAP Recorder Module
AXN/DTU/001 AXN/MEM/401 Data Transfer Unit SSD Dock
AXN/CBM/401 CAN bus monitor parser/packetizer Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer
AXN/TCG/402 Time-code generator with GNSS/IRIG input N/A Time-code generator with GNSS/IRIG input
AXN/CBM/402 CAN bus monitor parser/packetizer Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer
AXN/PCM/401 IRIG-106 PCM decoder/merger and packetizer (40 Mbps) - 2ch Dual PCM decommutator
AXP/ADC/401 Axon Pico Flexible ADC Stand-alone Data Acquisition Unit
Axon Heat Sinks Mounted heat sink Heat Sink


Data acquisition system optimized for use with the TTC nDAU, MnACQ, and MnHSD DAUs.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
AFLX-408A Flexible ADC – 8 Channels at 50 ksps ADC Module
AFED-424A 24 Channel Discrete Input Module Discrete/Counter Module
AEXT-401A Axon ADAU Extender Card - 1ch Extender Card
ABIM-422A-1 RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 Serial Bus Parser/Packetizer Bus Parser/Packetizer
APCM-404A-1 IRIG-106 PCM Encoder (PMF Output) PCM Encoder
ARTD-416A 16 Channel ¼-Bridge ADC ADC Module
ASCD-424A Differential Ended ADC (5 kHz b/w) - 24ch at 20 ksps ADC Module
ABIM-553A MIL-STD-1553 Parser/Packetizer - 2/4ch Dual Redundant Bus monitor
ADAU-2006 Ultra-Compact, Scalable and Reliable Data Acquisition Chassis
ADAU-2016 Ultra-Compact, Scalable and Reliable Data Acquisition Chassis
ADAU-2009 Ultra-Compact, Scalable and Reliable Data Acquisition Chassis
ATCD-415A Thermocouple ADC ADC Module
AITE-401A Remote Housing for ADAU Module (Axonite) Remote Housing
ABIM-429A ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer - 24 Channel Bus Parser/Packetizer
AICP-404A Accelerometer ADC (25 kHz b/w) ADC Module
AMEM-401A Axon PCAP Recorder Module Extender Card
AICP-412A Accelerometer ADC, 12 ch at 25 ksps ADC Module
ACAN-408A CAN bus monitor parser/packetizer - 8ch Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer
ADTU-401A AMEM-401A Data Transfer Unit Remote Housing

Acra KAM-500 DAUs

The Acra KAM-500 DAU is a compact, low-weight, and high-performance airborne acquisition and transmission system consisting of a chassis, backplane controller, and user-selected modules.

Acra KAM-500 Chassis

Compact, low-weight & high-performance chassis for airborne acquisition & transmission systems.

Product Image Product Name Description # of Slots Data Sheet
KAM/CHS/06U Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 6 User-Slots 6
KAM/CHS/09U Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 9 User-Slots 9
KAM/CHS/12R KAM-500 Circular Form Chassis - 12 User-Slots 12
KAM/CHS/13U Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 13 Slots 13
KAM/CHS/02F Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 2 User-Slots 2
KAM/CHS/03F Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 3 User-Slots 3
KAM/CHS/03U Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 3 User-Slots 3
KAM/CHS/04L Acra KAM-500 Chassis, Narrow Form - 4 User-Slots 4
KAM/CHS/05F Acra KAM-500 Chassis - 5 User-Slots 5
KAM/CSB/12U Smart Backplane Chassis 12

Analog Modules

Connect to sensors used to measure strain, temperature, vibration, etc. in rugged data acquisition systems used in flight test instrumentation and other avionics applications.

Product Image Product Name Description Channels Sample Rate(sps) Bandwidth(Hz) Resolution(bits) Accuracy (%FSR Typical) Data Sheet
KAD/ADC/105 differential-ended ADC 8 24K 6K 16 0.08
KAD/ADC/113 16 Channel ¼-Bridge ADC 16 12K 3K 16 0.27
KAD/ADC/117 8 channel Full-bridge ADC 8 24K 6K 16 0.08
KAD/ADC/126 4 channel Accelerometer ADC 4 100K 25K 16 0.1
KAD/ADC/132 24-channel ±200V voltage ladder ADC 24 12K 3K 16 0.02
KAD/ADC/135 12 channel Full/½-bridge ADC 12 25K 6.25K 16 0.02
KAD/TDC/102 15 channel thermocouple ADC 15 1K 250 16 0.5
KAD/ADC/106 Accelerometer ADC 8 24K 6K 16 0.4
KAD/ADC/109/S1 Full-Bridge ADC 8 24K 6K 16 0.08
KAD/ADC/109/S2 8 channel Full-bridge ADC 8 24K 6K 16 0.08
KAD/ADC/111 48 channel Single-ended ADC 48 4K 1K 16 0.01
KAD/ADC/112 24 channel Differential-ended ADC 24 4K 1K 16 0.01
KAD/ADC/114 16 channel Full-bridge ADC 16 12K 3K 16 0.01
KAD/ADC/115 16 channels ¼-bridge ADC 16 25K 6.25K 16 0.25
KAD/ADC/116 12 channel Accelerometer ADC 12 12K 3K 16 0.4
KAD/ADC/117/EC1 8 channel Full-bridge ADC 8 24K 6K 16 0.08
KAD/ADC/118 12 channel Full-bridge ADC 12 12K 3K 16 0.12
KAD/ADC/120 12 channel Full-bridge ADC 12 12K 3K 16 0.12
KAD/ADC/128 12 channels Precision Acceleration Measurement 12 2.5k 2.5k 16 N/A
KAD/ADC/129/S1 4 channel, Full-Bridge ADC 4 100K 25K 16 0.02
KAD/ADC/129/S2 4 channel Full-bridge ADC 4 100K 25K 16 0.02
KAD/ADC/130 4-channel ±200V Differential ended ADC 4 12K 3K 16 0.05
KAD/ADC/134 16 channel Full/1/2-bridge ADC 16 25K 6.25K 16 0.02
KAD/ADC/136 8 Channel Flexible ADC 8 50K 12.5K 16 0.02
KAD/ADC/141 16 Channel ¼-Bridge ADC 16 12.5k 3.125K 16 0.2
KAD/LDC/101 4 channel LVDT/RVDT-to-digital converter 4 24K 6K 16 1.25
KAD/MDC/002 2 x 64 channels Multiplexing ADC 2 12.5k 3.125K 16 0.25
KAD/MDC/103 2 x 64 channel Multiplexing ADC 2 20K 5K 16 0.25
KAD/TDC/107 12 channel Thermocouple ADC 12 8 4 16 0.55
KAM/CDC/101 4 channel Charge-to-digital Converter 4 24K 6K 16 3
KAD/SDC/101 3-Channel Synchro-to-Digital Converter 3 1K N/A 16 N/A
KAD/ADC/115/NRTD ¼-bridge ADC 16 25K 6.25K 16 0.25
KAD/MDC/105 2 channel DTC acquisition 2 35 K N/A 16 0.02
KAD/ADC/115/DT N/A 16 25K 6.25K 16 0.25
KAD/TDC/101 Thermistor ADC - 16ch at 25ksps 16 Up to 25ksps Up to 6.25kHz N/A ±0.8°C
KAD/ADC/008 Single ended ADC 6 N/A N/A N/A 0.3

Bus Monitor Modules

Capture data from a wide variety of avionics busses, including ARINC-429, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC-664 pt7, and RS-232/422/485.

Product Image Product Name Description Protocol Channels Messages Packetizer Data Sheet
KAD/CBM/103 4 Channel CCDL/MCDL Monitor CCDL/MCDL 4 512 No
KAD/EBM/102 1 Channel Gigabit Ethernet Bus Monitor Ethernet 1000BT 1 254 No
KAD/ABM/101 ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Parser/Snarfer ARINC 429 8 4095 No
KAD/ABM/102 ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer/Accumulator ARINC 429 8 4095 Yes
KAD/ABM/103 ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Parser/Packetizer ARINC 429 24 8191 Yes
KAD/ARI/103 ARINC-573/717 Bus Monitor Parser - 1 Channel ARINC-513, ARINC-717 1 4096 No
KAD/ARR/101 ARINC 664 Part 7 (A664P7) Redundancy Remover ARINC-664 Part 7 1 512 No
KAD/CBM/101 4 channels CCDL Bus Monitor Parser CCDL/MCDL 4 32 traffic words per bus No
KAD/CBM/104 4 Channel CSDB Monitor CSDB 4 512 No
KAD/CBM/107 4 Channel CAN bus Monitor CANbus 4 504 Yes
KAD/DEC/103 2 channel IRIG-106 PCM IRIG-106 2 20Mbps No
KAD/EBM/103 Parser for ARINC-429 ARINC 429, ARINC-664 Part 7 1 1024 No
KAD/EBM/104 ARINC 664 Part 7 Bus Monitor ARINC-664 Part 7 1 8192 No
KAD/FBM/102 1 channel Firewire Bus Monitor Firewire 1 1036 No
KAD/FBM/103 1 channel Firewire Bus Monitor Firewire 1 1036 No
KAD/FBM/105 1 channel Multi-rate FireWire Bus Monitor Firewire 1 511 No
KAD/IBM/101 2 Channel IMB Serial Bus Monitor HSDB 1 1024 No
KAD/MBM/101 1 channel Dual Redundant Bus Monitor MIL-STD-1553 1 1024 Yes
KAD/MBM/102 4 Channel Dual Redundant Bus Monitor MIL-STD-1553 4 4092 Yes
KAM/SBM/101 1 Channel Bus Monitor Parser EFABus Express or STANAG-3910 1 255 No
KAD/UBM/106 RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 Serial Bus Snarfer - 16ch RS-232, RS-422 or 485 16 511 Yes
KAD/UBM/105 12 Channel Serial Bus Monitor Parser RS-232, RS-422 or 485 12 511 Yes
KAD/MSB/103 1 channel Dual Redundant Bus Monitor MIL-STD-1553 1 1024 No
KAD/PBM/104 4 Channel IRIG-106 PCM Bus Monitor IRIG-106 4 N/A Yes
KAD/SDI/103 1 Channel Serial Data Bus Parser Serial 1 N/A No
KAD/UBM/104 8 Channel Serial Bus Monitor Parser RS-232, RS-422 or 485 8 256 Yes
KAD/TBM/101 1 Channel TTP Bus Monitor TTP 1 128 Yes
KAD/UAR/102 N/A RS-232, RS-422 or 485 4 125 No
KAD/UAT/101 4 Channel Asynchronous Transmitter RS-232 and RS-422 4 8, 184 characters No
KAD/UAR/003 2 Channel Bus Monitor 16-bit words 2 N/A No
KAD/UBM/101 8-Channel Serial Bus Packetizer RS-232, RS-422 or 485 8 N/A Yes
KAD/UBM/103 16 Channel Serial Bus Parser RS-232, RS-422 or 485 16 511 Yes

Backplane Controller Modules

Synchronize module operation and transfers data from one module to another.

Product Image Product Name Description Protocol Channels Max bit rate Data Sheet
KAD/BCU/101 IRIG-106 Backplane Controller and Encoder ARINC-573, ARINC-717, IRIG-106 4 20Mbps
KAD/BCU/105 Ethernet Backplane Controller Ethernet 100BT, IENA, PTPV1/V2 client 1 100Mbps
KAD/BCU/140 Ethernet Backplane Controller Ethernet 100BT, IENA, INET-X, PTPV1 GM, PTPV1/V2 client 2 100Mbps

Digital Modules

Capture data from digital sources used for engine speed measurement, data capture from a parallel bus, and event timestamping.

Product Image Product Name Description Applications Channels Key Numbers Data Sheet
KAD/DSI/102 24 Channel Digital Module Counter Measurement, Event Time Stamping 24 Duty cycle, Events since sample, Frequency, Period, Pulse width
KAD/DAC/001 8 Channel Digital Module Event Triggering, System Monitoring 24 16 digital outputs, 8 analog
KAD/DSI/003 24 Channel Digital Module Counter Measurement, Event Time Stamping 24 Elapsed, Events, Events since read, Frequency, Period, Read
KAD/DSI/104 24 Channels Digital Module Counter Measurement, Event Time Stamping 24 Duty cycle, Events since sample, Frequency, Period, Pulse width

Encoding Modules

Encode data into a format suitable for transmitting to an external source, such as another rugged data acquisition unit, a recorder, or an RF transmitter.

Product Image Product Name Description Protocol Channels Messages Data Sheet
KAD/ENC/106 4 Ch. IRIG-106 PCM Encoder IRIG-106 Ch.4 PCM 4 20Mbps
KAD/ENC/111 CCSDS Encoder CCSDS 1 4Mbps
KAD/ETH/101 Ethernet Transmission and Programming Module Ethernet 1 100BT
KAD/ETH/102 Ethernet Transmission and Programming Module Ethernet 1 100BT
KAD/ENC/005 1 Channel IRIG-106 PCM Encoder IRIG-106 Ch.4 PCM 1 16 Mbps

Other Modules

Add functionality, such as video encoding, storage, GPS and time inputs, data processing, and Ethernet switching, to your flight test instrumentation or other avionics application.

Product Image Product Name Description Applications Channels Key Numbers Data Sheet
KAD/SWI/108 Ethernet Switch (Xbar) Ethernet Switch 4 64Mbps Max Throughput
KAD/VID/106 H.264 Video Encoder MPEG-4, Video Capture 1 10Mbps
ACC/TRF/002 6 Channels Power Transformer Aircraft Power Supply 6 Conditions 115VAC RMS
KAD/MEM/004 CompactFlash Memory Module Data Storage N/A Solid-state Storage
KAD/CDC/002 24 Channels Current-to-Digital Converter Current Measurement 24 Input range ±20 mA
KAD/MAT/101 Microcontroller-Based Module Analysis, Signal Processing 10 256K Parameters In/Out per cycle
KAD/SWI/107 Ethernet Tap Module 4-Port Ethernet Tap 4 70Mbps Max Throughput
KAD/VDC/001 Differential-Ended Voice-to-Digital Converter (CVSD) CVSD, Voice Recording 2 64Kbps
KAM/TCG/105 Time-code Generator Battery Backup, GPS, IRIG-B Time Code Generator 6 GPS, IRIG-B AC / DC, IRIG-B AC/DC Outputs, NMEA inputs
KAM/TCG/106 Time-code Generator Battery Backup, GPS, IRIG-B Time Code Generator N/A GPS, IRIG-B AC / DC, IRIG-B AC/DC Outputs, NMEA inputs
KAM/TCG/103 Combined GPS, IRIG and ARINC-429 Input Module ARINC-429 Time Code Generator, GPS, IRIG-B 7 ARINC 429, GPS, IRIG-B AC / DC, IRIG-B AC/DC Outputs, NMEA inputs
KAM/BIT/101 Continuous Built-in Self Test Module (CBIT) Chassis monitoring N/A Extensive monitoring
KAM/DMY/001 Dummy Module All N/A N/A
KAM/MEM/103 CompactFlash Memory Module Stand-alone Data Logging N/A CompactFlash cards up to 128 GB
KAM/MEM/113 CompactFlash Memory Module Stand-alone Data Logging N/A Stores Ethernet frames in industry-standard Packet CAPture (PCAP) files
KAM/PSU/011 Power Supply Unit Power Supply N/A 28V aircraft power
KAM/PSU/012 Power Supply Unit Power Supply N/A 28V aircraft power
KAM/PSU/014 Power Supply Unit Power Supply N/A 28V aircraft power
KAD/EXC/101 Power Module Providing Sensor Excitation Sensor excitation 10 Output voltage within the range of 0 to 24V

Acra KAM-500 Data Acquisition Accessories

Enhance your Acra KAM-500 data acquisition system with field-proven accessories.

Product Image Product Name Description Function Data Sheet
Embedded Software Support N/A Software
Wireless Data Acquisition Evaluation Kit N/A Kit
ACD/BAC/002 Backshell for KAD connectors (straight-through) Backshell
3D Drawings N/A 3D Drawings
ACC/HSK/001 Optional heat sinks for the KAM-500 system Chassis Heatsinks
ACD/BAC/003 Backshell for KAD connectors (20°) Backshell
ACD/BAC/004 Backshell for CON/KAD/003/CP Backshell
ACD/BAC/005 Backshell for KAD/TDC/107 (straight-through) Backshell
ACD/BAC/006 Backshell for KAD connectors (90°) Backshell
ACD/BAC/007 Backshell for KAD connectors (180°) Backshell
ACD/CJB/002 Cold junction block for KAD/TDC/107 - 12 channels Cold Junction Block
ACD/CJB/005 Cold junction block for KAD/ADC/136 - 7 channels Cold Junction Block
ACD/CJB/003 Cold junction block for KAD/TDC/102 - 15 channels Cold Junction Block
ACD/KIT/001 Standard tools used for Acra KAM-500 system assembly Standard Tools
ACM/EXT/001 Extender board for the Acra KAM-500 system Extender Board
ACM/LID/001 Spare User-Slot Lids and Spare Screws for Acra KAM-500 Lids
BAC/PSU/007 Backshell for CON/PSU/007 Backshell
Bridge Balancer 3 N/A Software
CON/KAD/002/CP Mating Connector (DD, 52-way) Mating Connector
CON/KAD/002/SR Mating Connector for KAD/TDC/002 (DD, 52-way) Mating Connector
CON/KAD/003/CP Mating Connector for KAM/TCG/102 & KAM/TCG/103 Mating Connector
CON/KAD/004 Mating connector for CON/KAD/002/CP Mating Connector
CON/KAD/005/CP Mating Connector (DD, 52-way, rear grommet) Mating Connector
CON/KAD/005/SR 52-way double-density (DD) connector Mating Connector
CON/KAD/008/CP Mating Connector (DD, 52-way, rear grommet) Mating Connector
CON/KAD/008/SR Mating connector for KAD/TDC/002 Mating Connector
CON/KAD/010 Mating Connector for KAD/TDC/102 and KAD/TDC/107 Mating Connector
CON/MMO/001/F10A Mating Connector Mating Connector
CON/MMO/001/F19A Mating connector (19-way, A keying) Mating Connector
CON/PSU/007 Mating connector for PSU (6-way) Mating Connector
CON/PSU/008 3-way Bayonet Connector (Female) Mating Connector
DAS Studio 3 Setup Software N/A Software
KAM-500, SSR-500 and NET-500 Network Cables N/A Cables
Quicklook N/A Software
Standalone Compiler N/A Software
Standard Cables used for Ethernet-Enabled System Assembly N/A Cables
CON/KAD/020/CP Mating Connector Mating Connector
CON/KAD/030/CP Mating Connector Mating Connector
CON/KAD/050/CP Mating Connector Mating Connector
CON/KAD/080/CP Mating Connector Mating Connector

TTC CDAU and nDAU Systems

The TTC DAU - CDAU and nDAU series are designed to condition and encode multiple sources of analog and digital data including sensors, transducers, buses, and electro-mechanical assemblies (switches, relays).

Full-size PCM encoder boxes

Miniature Network Data Acquisition Units (TTC MnDAU) deliver network-based, high-speed data acquisition and encoding in an environmentally sealed package and small footprint.

Product Image Product Name Description # of Slots Data Sheet
CDAU-20XX CAIS Data Acquisition and Encoding Unit N/A
TTC Full Size Network Data Acquisition Systems N/A N/A

TTC CDAU/nDAU Overhead and Power Modules

Overhead and power modules for the CDAU/nDAU data acquisition and encoding unit range.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
nRTM4048 Network Thermocouple Conditioner/Multiplexer Network Thermocouple Conditioner/Multiplexer
WSR-120A Wideband Overhead Card for WDAU with Optional CAIS Interface Wideband Overhead Card

TTC CDAU/nDAU Analog Modules

Analog cards for CDAU/nDAU data acquisition and encoding units.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
CAD-108D 8-Channel Differential Input Charge Amplifier Card Amplifier Card
CAS-108D 8-Channel Charge Amplifier Board Charge Amplifier Board
RTD-116A-1 High-Speed 16-Channel RTD Signal Conditioning Card Signal Conditioning Card
SCD-108D-4 8 Channel Signal Conditioning Card Signal Conditioning Card
SCD-112D 12-Channel Signal Conditioning Card Signal Conditioning Card
SCD-116D-3 16-Channel Signal Conditioning Card Signal Conditioning Card
SCD-608D-10 8-Channel Signal Conditioning Card Signal Conditioning Card
SCD-608D-2 8-Ch. Signal Conditioning with Voltage Excitation, Bridge Completion Signal Conditioning Card
SCD-608D-4 8-Channel Signal Conditioning Card Signal Conditioning Card

TTC CDAU/nDAU Bus Modules

Bus monitor cards for CDAU/nDAU encoder DAU systems.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
BIM-232D-2 4-Channel RS-232/422/485 Bus Monitor Card RS-232/422/485
BIM-232D-4 4-Channel RS-232/422/485 Bus Monitor Card RS-232/422/485
BIM-429C-4 16-Channel ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Card ARINC-429
BIM-429C-8 16-Channel ARINC-429 Bus Monitor Card with Chapter 8 ARINC-429 with Chapter 8
BIM-553-8 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Monitor - Chapter 8 & 4 Compatible MIL-STD-1553 Chapter 8 & 4 Compatible
BIM-553A-8 Dual-Redundant MIL-STD-1553 Monitor - Ch 8/4 Compatible MIL-STD-1553 - Chapter 8 & 4 Compatible
CAN-102A 2-Channel CAN Bus Monitoring Card for CDAU/EDAU CANBus
CMP-112 Chapter 8 Compatible MIL-STD-1553 Composite Output Board Composite Output Board
ETI-301G Miniature Ethernet Acquisition Card Ethernet Acquisition Card
PCM-102R PC/104 Based CAIS Controller with PCI Interface CAIS Controller with PCI Interface
RCX-205 2 Port Remote CAIS Bus Expansion Card CAIS Bus Expansion Card
RCI-204 Remote CAIS Bus Expansion Card Remote CAIS Bus Expansion Card

TTC CDAU/nDAU Other Modules and Accessories

Other cards and accessories for Curtiss-Wright full-size encoder DAU systems.

Product Image Product Name Description Type Data Sheet
BLS-148 48-Channel Bi-Level Multiplexer Card Bi-Level Multiplexer Card
BLS-148H 48-Channel Bi-Level Multiplexer Card Bi-Level Multiplexer Card
CVS-101/2/4 CVSD Voice Conditioner Board Voice Conditioner Board
FPD-104B-3 4-Channel Frequency/Period Conditioner Card Frequency/Period Conditioner Card
GPS-101B GPS/IRIG Position/Time Code Reader and Generator with RTC GPS/IRIG Position/Time Code Reader
RJC-108 8-Channel Reference Junction Compensator Reference Junction Compensator
RJC-208 8-Channel Reference Junction Compensator Reference Junction Compensator
VEX-112S-1 12-channel Programmable Intrinsically Safe Excitation Card N/A
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