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The Airborne IADS system combines a rugged Parvus® DuraCOR® 313 Mission Computer with IADS RTStation software.
Airborne IADS provides onboard data analysis and visualization directly to the pilot or to flight test engineers who may be flying onboard the test vehicle during the test flight.
Airborne IADS includes the full IADS RTStation software suite. RTStation provides an interactive interface, which allows users to quickly customize displays, parameter definitions, analysis options and test setups in a matter of seconds. Users can then send these customizations to displays on a connected monitor. The DuraCOR 313 provides an HDMI video output — users can provide their display or select one of several display options from 7 to 12 inches that Curtiss-Wright offers (sold separately).
In RTStation, every data point is cached, allowing real-time scroll-back through the time history. Derived equations can be added or modified for use throughout the system. The same features are available for real-time and post-test processing. RTStation’s ease of use, depth of display capability, and powerful analysis techniques can be used to save time and effort on any test program.
RTStation facilitates real-time mission analysis and monitoring as well as data playback. The same user interface and displays are available for real-time and post-test processing, supporting features such as ActiveX controls, derived parameters (formulas), and time/frequency-domain data analysis.
RTStation supports data acquisition from live Ethernet Network or PCM data sources. PCM data sources require an IADS-compatible decom/bitsync device such as the DBS-140U-1 (sold separately).
Key Features
- Combines a rugged Ultra Small Form Factor Microsoft® Windows® compatible Mission Computer with the full desktop version IADS display and analysis software
- Helps to speed-up test point clearance by providing real-time data to crew
- Allows the same display setups to be used on the ground and in the air
- Connect to live Ethernet data sources onboard the test aircraft using DARv3, TmNS, Chapter 10 UDP, INET-X, or IENA
- Alternatively, use one of the supported decom/bitsync devices to connect to a live PCM stream onboard the test aircraft
- Onboard data display and analysis
- Real-time flight test monitoring
- Providing flight test status to the pilot
Airborne IADS NXDP-3000-1

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