Intelligent TDL Gateways
Simplify tactical data link translation and communication among platforms
Military organizations around the world rely heavily on tactical data links (TDL) to share mission-critical information securely and reliably among air, ground, and sea platforms. Because different devices use different data links for communications, a highly sophisticated TDL gateway is needed to translate information across the various link types. Equipped with an intuitive user interface displayed in an easy-to-understand format, Curtiss-Wright’s patented multi-link gateway solutions simplify how platforms communicate through different standards and data link protocols.
TCG HUNTR TDL Hub and Network Translator
Provides battlefield operators a simplified, fast, and intuitive translation solution for multiple TDLs. It is compatible with multiple platforms, seamlessly translating and routing data link assets.
TCG ATR Adaptable Tactical Data Link Router
Provides a standards-compliant adapter and routing device for on-demand dynamic connectivity of multiple Link 16 protocol network interfaces. Supports various data link standards, including Link16, SIMPLE, JREAP-A, JREAP-C, and others.
TDL Translation Made Easy
With so many different TDL types in use on the modern battlefield, an intelligent, automated, intuitive, mission-oriented TDL Gateway is required.