Unscheduled maintenance is expensive. It can cause aircraft to be taken out of active service resulting in unsatisfied customers and unexpected costs. Watch our video to see how future unscheduled maintenance can be prevented.
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Unscheduled maintenance is expensive. It can cause aircraft to be taken out of active service resulting in unsatisfied customers and unexpected costs. Watch our video to see how future unscheduled maintenance can be prevented.
A low-cost low-risk approach to reducing unscheduled maintenance using COTS systems.
Unscheduled maintenance is expensive.
It can cause aircraft to be taken out of active service.
This often results in unsatisfied customers and unexpected costs.
How do we prevent this?
Reduce unscheduled maintenance events and reduce spend by up to 20%.
Instead of waiting for a fault warning, Future events can be predicted and prevented.
With the right data and analysis, the signs of an impending problem can be identified. This means an aircraft can be scheduled for maintenance before a system fails.
Aircraft often don't provide enough information for effective predictive maintenance. Systems that are non-critical but facilitate smooth operations are not always monitored. Data Acquisition Units collect data from these kinds of systems.
This Data Acquisition hardware needs:
- Flexibility is crucial as measurement requirements will evolve and change dramatically during evaluation/prototyping phases.
- Ruggedness - for when data capture is in a harsh environment, eg. APU measurement in an unpressurized tail section.
- High-fidelity Data - especially when the data is being used to train a predictive maintenance neural network.
Curtiss-Wright is a trusted leader in data acquisition.
We are the #1 leader in the world for rugged and reliable aerospace data acquisition systems.
Our proven DAUs are trusted by OEMs, operators, and governments around the world. They are modular, making them perfect to quickly deploy in evaluation units before mass production.
For example: An adaptable data capture architecture was created quickly. Within 2 weeks of receiving the first evaluation units, data was being gathered successfully. Within three weeks a future fault was detected and an unscheduled maintenance event was avoided.