Trusted Computing: The COTS Perspective Series
In the world of security and Trusted Computing, there are many different disciplines involved, from cybersecurity to safety certification. And, with standards constantly shifting and evolving, it’s important to fully understand certifications that are relevant to your technology and program, as well as the authorities that enable you to attain them.
This white paper provides an overview of the main certification authorities involved in Trusted Computing, explores which disciplines they oversee, and gives guidance on when to get these certification authorities involved. While this white paper will focus specifically on the US market, it will also discuss ways in which these bodies are relevant (or not) in some international markets.
Login and download the white paper to read about:
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Common Criteria (CC)
- Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
- Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)
- DO-178C and DO-254
Looking to learn about certification authorities outside of North America? See the white paper International Certification Authorities for Trusted Computing.