Showing 1 - 12 of 37
Implementing RAID Configurations for Deployed Network Attached Storage Systems

Implementing RAID Configurations for Deployed Network Attached Storage Systems

Network attached storage (NAS) systems for mission-critical applications require high data integrity and system performance. As the backbone for storing and accessing critical data, NAS devices must include functionality that minimizes the risks associated with data loss due to hardware disk failures.

History and Future of Flight Recorder Regulations

History and Future of Flight Recorder Regulations

This white paper looks at the history of flight recorders, their regulations, how these regulations are formulated, and what the future may bring.

Protect and Isolate NAS Functions with Software Full Disk Encryption and Disk Partitioning

Protect and Isolate NAS Functions with Software Full Disk Encryption and Disk Partitioning

Through disk partitioning and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) data-at-rest (DAR) encryption, this paper proposes a solution that reduces the risk of data loss, corruption, and accessibility if intercepted.

Choosing the Right Data Storage Solutions For Aerospace and Defense Applications

Choosing the Right Data Storage Solutions For Aerospace and Defense Applications

This paper discusses the advanced characteristics of both network-attached storage devices and direct-attached storage devices.

Optimizing Video Capture and Storage for Deployed Aircraft

Optimizing Video Capture and Storage for Deployed Aircraft

This paper focuses on the secure recording and storage of video data captured by camera systems in deployed military aircraft.

DAR Series Part 2: Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)

DAR Series Part 2: Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)

Learn about the innovative NSA CSfC program leveraging commercial encryption technologies in a layered approach for agile and cost-effective classified data protection.

Weighing the Options: SATA vs. NVMe Data Storage for Deployed Applications

Weighing the Options: SATA vs. NVMe Data Storage for Deployed Applications

Managing the ever-growing amounts of data generated by deployed military applications poses a critical challenge, as the data must be securely stored, quickly accessed, and protected in harsh environments.

DAR Series Part 4: NSA CSfC vs. Type 1 Encryption

DAR Series Part 4: NSA CSfC vs. High Assurance Type 1 Encryption

Compare NSA High Assurance Type 1 and CSfC encryption approaches across over a dozen factors, including procurement, risk, technology adoption, and exportability.

Build vs. Buy Considerations  for Deployed Data-at-Rest  Storage Devices

Build vs. Buy Considerations for Deployed Data-at-Rest Storage Devices

To help customers make the correct build-or-buy decision for deployed data-at-rest network attached storage devices, this paper highlights key considerations that should be weighed, including encryption and certification.

Selecting a High-Speed NAS Device for Military Aircraft

Selecting a High-Speed NAS Device for Military Aircraft

This white paper outlines important considerations for defining a deployed NAS solution for military aircraft and covers architectural trade-offs, legacy system issues, transportability, and encryption approaches required to protect sensitive DAR.

Simplified Replacement of Older Flight Data Recorders to Meet New Regulations and Data Collecting Needs

Simplified Replacement of Older Flight Data Recorders to Meet New Regulations and Data Collecting Needs

Operators of aircraft may find they need to upgrade existing flight recorder for a variety of reasons.

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: An Introduction to Post-Quantum Resistant Encryption

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: An Introduction to Post-Quantum Resistant Encryption

The goal of post-quantum cryptography is to develop cryptographic systems that are secure and can interoperate with existing communications protocols and networks.
