Showing 13 - 24 of 87
Powerful Recorder Solution Meets New Rotorcraft Regulations

Powerful Recorder Solution Meets New Rotorcraft Regulations

This case study describes how a rotorcraft manufacturer upgraded its existing flight data recorders with one designed to accommodate enhanced data acquisition needs and meet current and upcoming regulations.

DAR Series Part 4: NSA CSfC vs. Type 1 Encryption

DAR Series Part 4: NSA CSfC vs. High Assurance Type 1 Encryption

Compare NSA High Assurance Type 1 and CSfC encryption approaches across over a dozen factors, including procurement, risk, technology adoption, and exportability.

Maximizing Mission Duration and Data Security for UUVs

Maximizing Mission Duration and Data Security for UUVs

A system developer sought to equip a new generation of UUVs with a compact, efficient data storage solution capable of supporting extended missions, high-performance throughput, and data protection – all within the constraints of the underwater environment. Learn about the challenges, solution, and results.

Build vs. Buy Considerations  for Deployed Data-at-Rest  Storage Devices

Build vs. Buy Considerations for Deployed Data-at-Rest Storage Devices

To help customers make the correct build-or-buy decision for deployed data-at-rest network attached storage devices, this paper highlights key considerations that should be weighed, including encryption and certification.

Selecting a High-Speed NAS Device for Military Aircraft

Selecting a High-Speed NAS Device for Military Aircraft

This white paper outlines important considerations for defining a deployed NAS solution for military aircraft and covers architectural trade-offs, legacy system issues, transportability, and encryption approaches required to protect sensitive DAR.

COTS Data-at-Rest Encryption Onboard an UUV

COTS Data-at-Rest Encryption Onboard an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV)

Curtiss-Wright develops network-attached storage (NAS) devices for an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV).

Total LifeCycle Management

Total LifeCycle Management Brochure

Curtiss-Wright's team of Total LifeCycle Management (TLCM) experts utilize decades of experience to effectively manage all component lifecycles.

COTS Boards Brochure

COTS Boards Brochure

COTS products and open-architecture solutions for mission computing, signal processing, graphics, communication fabrics, system and sensing I/O, and data storage.

Deploying Secure and Efficient NAS Solutions for a UAV

Deploying Secure and Efficient NAS Solutions for a UAV

To accelerate program development with no NRE investment and enable rapid integration, a UAV developer required a ready-to-deploy network attached storage system with reliable, redundant Ethernet network interfaces and expandable storage capacity with security.

Simplified Replacement of Older Flight Data Recorders to Meet New Regulations and Data Collecting Needs

Simplified Replacement of Older Flight Data Recorders to Meet New Regulations and Data Collecting Needs

Operators of aircraft may find they need to upgrade existing flight recorder for a variety of reasons.

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: An Introduction to Post-Quantum Resistant Encryption

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: An Introduction to Post-Quantum Resistant Encryption

The goal of post-quantum cryptography is to develop cryptographic systems that are secure and can interoperate with existing communications protocols and networks.

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: Implementing Data-at-Rest and Data-in-Transit Encryption Solutions

Review the challenges for deploying QR encryption and how to implement DAR and data-in-transit QR encryption solutions using commercial FPGA devices and off-the-shelf hardware.
