Maximizing Mission Duration and Data Security for UUVs
A system developer sought to equip a new generation of UUVs with a compact, efficient data storage solution capable of supporting extended missions, high-performance throughput, and data protection – all within the constraints of the underwater environment. Learn about the challenges, solution, and results.

Build vs. Buy Considerations for Deployed Data-at-Rest Storage Devices
To help customers make the correct build-or-buy decision for deployed data-at-rest network attached storage devices, this paper highlights key considerations that should be weighed, including encryption and certification.

Selecting a High-Speed NAS Device for Military Aircraft
This white paper outlines important considerations for defining a deployed NAS solution for military aircraft and covers architectural trade-offs, legacy system issues, transportability, and encryption approaches required to protect sensitive DAR.

Deploying Secure and Efficient NAS Solutions for a UAV
To accelerate program development with no NRE investment and enable rapid integration, a UAV developer required a ready-to-deploy network attached storage system with reliable, redundant Ethernet network interfaces and expandable storage capacity with security.

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: Implementing Data-at-Rest and Data-in-Transit Encryption Solutions
Review the challenges for deploying QR encryption and how to implement DAR and data-in-transit QR encryption solutions using commercial FPGA devices and off-the-shelf hardware.