Showing 73 - 84 of 482
Cores & Threads: Hybrid Processors for Today's Multitasking World (Part 2)

Cores & Threads (Part 2): Hybrid Processors for Today's Multitasking World

In this paper, we present performance testing results on Intel hybrid core processors, exploring the performance and efficiency of P-cores vs. E-cores and single-threaded cores vs. hyper-threading cores.

Cores & Threads: Hybrid Processors for Today's Multitasking World (Part 1)

Cores & Threads (Part 1): Hybrid Processors for Today's Multitasking World

Systems designers must understand the latest enhancements in processing architectures to realize their multiple benefits. The newest multi-core and hybrid-core processors offer enhanced capabilities, including increased processing power and efficiency.

ground vehicle header image

Ground Vehicle Mission Management Systems

Mission management systems that meet ever-present size, weight, and power (SWaP) demands while providing the scalability and flexibility to handle all of the mission tasks today’s warfighter may encounter.

Webinar: Delivering True Unified Command and Control to the Tactical Edge URL

Webinar: Delivering True Unified Command and Control to the Tactical Edge

Curtiss-Wright's Dominic Perez and REDCOM's Jeff Smith discuss how to choose the correct hardware for land, sea and air with examples from Curtiss-Wright's modular and rugged tactical communication systems.

Challenges and Solutions of Building Comprehensive Flight Test Instrumentation Systems

Challenges and Solutions of Building Comprehensive Flight Test Instrumentation Systems

This white paper examines the different approaches to building a comprehensive FTI system, the advantages and disadvantages of mixing different vendors’ products, and the likely impact of future developments.

Next-Generation Aircraft Protection Requires ITAR-Free Data Storage

Next-Generation Aircraft Protection Requires ITAR-Free Data Storage

Tasked with developing a flexible, modular aircraft protection system, an aerospace company sought a small data network attached storage (NAS) device that could be used on current and future programs.

Naval air carrier

Value-Focused Approach to Naval Equipment Enclosures White Paper

New efficient approaches to cabinet and console design, fabrication, integration, and qualification enable prime defense contractors to equip the Navy faster with better technology while increasing ROI.

Deploying a Total Flight Test System Solution

Organization Successfully Deploys Total FTI System Solution

An aircraft OEM needed a flight test solution for one of its new jets. They decided to use multiple hardware vendors to complete their FTI system.

Rugged Instrumentation System Solutions for Applications with Limited Space

Rugged Instrumentation System Solutions for Applications with Limited Space

For many aircraft, there is sufficient space to place data acquisition units (DAU), recorders, and transmitters in a dedicated instrumentation rack and/or throughout the aircraft. However, there are several aircraft where there is very limited space.

System Solutions Brochure

System Solutions Brochure

Whether looking for a modular, SFF LRU or a scalable VPX systems designed to meet program requirements, Curtiss-Wright computing systems are built rugged to perform optimally in the harshest environments.

Webinar: Cross-Domain and Secure Remote Access Solutions at the Edge

Webinar: Cross-Domain and Secure Remote Access Solutions at the Edge

Curtiss-Wright's Dominic Perez and Forcepoint's Rob Link discuss the use of cross domain solutions for securing remote access to classified networks.

Why Trusted Platform Modules are Critical to Deployed Network Attached Storage

Why Trusted Platform Modules are Critical to Deployed Network Attached Storage

Classified data-at-rest (DAR) in deployed applications faces both internal and external threats that can subject sensitive data to exploitation.
