Lead-Free Components & Assembly
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions is committed to maintaining the high reliability of its products for the aerospace and defense (A&D) sector. The introduction of lead-free components and assemblies into A&D systems poses a potential reliability risk if the proper measures are not taken, beginning with understanding the various risks and implementing effective mitigations. In addition, the overall process of controlling if, when, and how lead-free is introduced needs to be addressed through a comprehensive lead-free control plan (LFCP).
Curtiss-Wright has performed extensive studies and testing of lead-free components, soldering and assembly, and has implemented best practices for the design and production of lead-free assemblies. These results are available to customers interested in the reliability of lead-free products. Curtiss-Wright will continue to research and test new approaches for managing lead-free, and will continue its involvement in industry activities to leverage leading edge knowledge, such as AREA and PERM.
Addressing the Challenges of Lead-free Technology in Mil/Aero Electronics
Failure to address lead-free effects can lead to disastrous consequences, as documented in the website that NASA maintains for electronic system failures attributed to tin and other metal whiskers in the military, satellite, medical and nuclear power industries.
Lead-Free or not Lead-Free
Reliability is a key requirement for military and aerospace systems and assemblies. Curtiss-Wright has been highly focused on ruggedness and reliability as a leading supplier of COTS [commercial off-the-shelf] electronics for more than 30 years. Over a decade ago, as lead-free (LF) components started to become mainstream, we developed strategies and a vast amount of technical expertise for dealing with this huge change. The result of these extensive efforts is that we are able to offer customers the choice, based on their requirements and preferences, of both tin-lead solder and LF solder-based designs, with both exhibiting the high reliability that customers need and expect from Curtiss-Wright. We now have over ten years of LF product reliability data to back up our claim of being the trusted, proven leader in rugged electronics reliability.