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MATS is a highly configurable secure telemetry solution that encodes a wide range of sensors, transducers, and data bus sources into a wideband PCM output stream at rates up to 20 Mbps.
There are many aircraft that have limited space available to install a flexible data capture and telemetry solution. MATS addresses this with a modular solution that is highly configurable, contains everything needed to capture, encrypt and encode data in a miniature footprint.
MATS key features include:
- Compact, low power and rugged
- Modular and configurable
- Wide-range of off-the-shelf elements is available
- Backed by legendary support and expertise
- Full PCM encoder capability
- Field configurable (add or delete modulates as needed)
- Full S bands, 10W RF power
- Supports: PCM/FM, SOQPSK, & Multi-H CPM per IRIG-106-19
- LDPC per IRIG-106 per Appendix R
- Low latency 20 Mbps data rate
MATS - Miniature Airborne Telemetry System
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