Data-At-Rest (DAR) Encryption

Protect Critical Data-at-Rest (DAR) from Unauthorized Access

Cost-effective, proven, and certified COTS solutions
Today’s defense and aerospace platforms are required to protect critical data-at-rest (DAR) from unauthorized access. Curtiss-Wright offers cost-effective, proven, and certified commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) storage solutions that match various data security requirements, including National Security Agency (NSA) Type 1, NSA Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC), Common Criteria (CC), and FIPS 140-2. We also have decades of experience designing and manufacturing a range of flight recorders meeting current and anticipated regulations, including ED-112A and 25-hour voice/datalink recording.

Review DAR Encryption Approaches

Cyber Security
NSA Type 1 Encryption

Endorsed by the NSA for securing classified and sensitive U.S. Government information when appropriately keyed.

NSA CSfC and Common Criteria

Strategy to deliver secure solutions that leverage commercial technologies and products.

Cyber Security
NIST FIPS 140-2 Cryptography

An internationally recognized security certification standard for commercial cryptography.