Advanced Processing and Support Technologies for Navy Vessels and Naval Air Platforms
From Air to Surface to Subsurface, our Solutions are Engineered to Deliver
Curtiss-Wright has a broad portfolio of naval technologies that span from advanced processing and storage to tactical data link communications and displays. In the processing domain, whether it be for advanced EW or sensor processing onboard the vessel or integrated into the flight platforms, we utilize a modular open system approach to the systems and system building blocks we develop. A MOSA is inherently more versatile and refreshable than traditional “stove-piped” solutions creating system interoperability across domains and platforms while maintaining technology dominance.
Integrated Data Links Made Simple
Current tactical data links are typically comprised of a network of participants using different radios and computer systems attempting to exchange information with each other using a multitude of different, non-interoperable protocols and messaging systems. TCG technology is a force-multiplier that translates each tactical protocol/language, enabling different data links to seamlessly communicate clearly and efficiently – We effect we are making a complex problem simple.
Greater Situational Awareness With Advanced Processing
Global competition is making the sensor more sophisticated requiring greater processing capability to extract more information from ever-larger torrents of data - and to then fuse that information with other information to create holistic situational awareness. These processing systems need the most powerful contemporary compute resources, fastest interconnects, expansive storage, and secure communication links to complete their mission. Curtiss-Wright’s sensor processing solutions package the latest data center-like technology into rugged, SWaP-efficient systems and system building blocks for deployment next to the sensor into navy vessels and flight platforms.
Rugged, Dense, Fast, Secure, Reliable Data Storage
Naval data recorders capture streaming radar, sonar, EW, EO/IR sensor, and other mission data for later analysis. These recorders require exceptional storage density, wideband recording capability, and the assurance they will perform flawlessly in high temperature/moisture environments that are continually exposed to shock and vibration. Curtiss-Wright’s high-density network-attached storage (NAS) solutions with wideband connectivity efficiently and reliably capture this high-bandwidth data to scalable, rugged SSD arrays. Sensitive stored data-at-rest (DAR) information that may also be required to be removable is protected by the industry’s first NIAP Common Criteria (CC) certified 2-Layer encryption, with additional options for NSA Type 1 and FIPS 140-2 encryption.
Heterogeneous Processing for Smarter EW Systems
Curtiss-Wright uses a scalable, quickly refreshable modular open systems approach (MOSA) to build EW systems and their analog, signal, cognitive, and mixed-signal processing modules. Designed to operate close to the aperture and quickly interact with other support systems, our EW systems are built using the latest commercially developed technology for their performance. Our EW processing modules feature the latest processing technology from partner companies like Intel and NVIDIA and Xilinx to deliver the heterogeneous processing capability that drives smarter EW processing systems.
Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)
Our innovative products are designed to meet modular open system approach (MOSA) program requirements and provide the hardware foundation for integrated next-generation naval capabilities across the sea, subsea, air and ground.