Engineered for Seamless Integration
The SOSA™ Technical Standard 1.0 is a modular open system approach (MOSA) that defines a common framework for transitioning sensor systems to an open systems architecture. The SOSA standard leverages OpenVPX to define card profiles with specifications for features such as pinouts, Ethernet capabilities, and serial ports.
Exploring Prevailing Defense Interoperability Standards like SOSA, CMOSS, FACE, VICTORY
This white paper examines the 2019 tri-services memo regarding MOSA, and what open standards such as SOSA, FACE, and VICTORY mean for today’s military programs.
What SOSA Delivers
The SOSA approach establishes command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems guidelines. The objective is to allow flexibility in selecting and acquiring sensors and subsystems that provide sensor data collection, processing, exploitation, communication, and related functions over the entire life cycle of the C5ISR system. SOSA achieves this through hardware and interface interoperability, software portability, and technology reuse across platforms and form factors while facilitating the best commercially developed technology for its affordability, performance, and scalability.
MOSA Delivers Overwatch Battlefield Signal Detection and Location on Mobile Platforms
How to add the performance of the latest commercially developed technology for greater situational awareness? Learn how a system integrator quickly added new warfighter capabilities by efficiently augmenting deployed systems through an open system approach.
Our Differentiated SOSA Ecosystem
Our continued R&D investments, domain experience, and leadership within standard working groups like VITA (VPX) and SOSA have enabled us to create a highly differentiated ecosystem of plug-in cards (PICs) that are SOSA-aligned. We differentiate our ecosystem with the performance of the latest technology from Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA and connect them with our low-latency interconnect technologies. Fabric40™ delivers reliable 40GbE connectivity, and our new Fabric100™ delivers uncompromised 100GbE system and inter-system level connectivity for near-real-time on-platform information extraction, fusion, and cognitive processing of data from the most advanced sensors.
State-of-the-Art Security
We are known for its TrustedCOTS™ and enhancedTCOTS technologies that use an open systems approach for embedding security, enabling customers to leverage the best commercially developed secure-state-of-the-art (S-SOTA) technologies. This adaptable framework is easily augmented with additional security features from our industry-leading security partners and customer IP to deliver customized and refreshable program protection to mitigate cyber and other security threats.
MOSA: Why Open Standards Like CMOSS and SOSA Are the New Normal
Your essential guide to all things MOSA. This white paper outlines how and why MOSA is transforming defense systems and discusses,
- the MOSA directive and its significance for defense technology.
- reasons to, and the benefits of adopting a MOSA architecture.
- important standards including SOSA, CMOSS, VICTORY, GVA, FACE, and OMS/UCI that are driving modern program requirements.
SOSA Aligned Products
By offering a complete and balanced, highly-interoperable ecosystem of PICs aligned to The SOSA Technical Standard, system integrators can operate within a low-risk environment to create application-aligned processing solutions that are not only differentiated but also reduce their program schedule, cost, and risk. As technology is introduced, we maintain pin compatibility enabling our customers to benefit from the latest commercially developed technology keeping their systems relevant in an increasingly competitive global landscape.
Our PICs are available in the 3U and 6U form factors and are specially aligned to size, weight, and power (SWaP)-constrained and ultra-high-performance C5ISR processing applications, respectively.