Engineered for Seamless Integration
MORA is the U.S. Army's CCDC (Combat Capabilities Development Command) C5ISR Center's new architecture of open radio frequency interfaces for ground vehicles. Its purpose is to offer new capabilities, including reducing size, weight, and power (SWaP) and improving interoperability functions within the platform.
Exploring SOSA, CMOSS, FACE, VICTORY, and More
We examine the 2019 tri-services memo regarding MOSA, and what open standards such as CMOSS, MORA, and VICTORY mean for today’s military programs.
We are pleased to partner with Leonardo DRS Signal Solutions. Their expertise in RF technology facilitates the design of tuners, receivers and transceivers that detect very weak signals in strong signal environments. Explore the list of products featuring Leonardo DRS RF tuners that support MORA standards.
An Open Standard for RF Convergence
MORA's purpose is to simplify the radio systems into high-level components that permit the hardware to be shared amongst the systems on the platform utilizing low power distribution of RF signals to enhance overall system performance and efficiency through reduced cable loss. This use of software defined radio technologies allows the same hardware to run various waveform applications to accommodate a vast array of missions including EW and Communications. Moreover, MORA provides a path for using industry open standards to develop rugged Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solutions.