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The PRV-0509 is a PC/104 Fan Card designed to help cool embedded PC/104 systems and remove dangerous hot spots, even in completely enclosed applications. In most cases, it is placed between a CPU and power supply - where thermal management is most needed. With dual fans aimed in opposite directions and a septum in between, this PC/104-compatible module pushes up to 12 cubic feet per minute with airflow moving in a circular pattern around adjacent PC/104 boards. If desired, each of the fans can be reversed (flipped over) to create a push-push or pull-pull movement of air.

The board is built with high quality ball-bearing fans with noise suppression circuitry on the fan power lines. In an enclosed PC/104 chassis system, this thermal management board will provide cooling for up to four adjoining boards (two on top and bottom), whereas in open air systems, the fan board will cool two PC/104 boards (one on top and bottom).

FansTwo Ball-Bearing Fans (with Noise Suppression Circuitry); Adjustable Air Flow Direction
Bi-Directional AirflowSeptum Enables Bi-Directional Airflow
ProtectionOvercurrent Protection

Ordering Information

Part NumbersDescription
PRV-0509-14PRV-0509, PC104 Fan Card I, RoHS


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