IQ-Core Network Communications Manager (NCM)

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Originally designed to meet the stringent demands of tactical and enterprise deployments for the U.S. DoD, the National Guard, and state and local emergency responders, IQ-Core NCM provides the following field-proven, key benefits:

  • Provides an intuitive user interface: Makes communications set-up and operation quick and easy to learn and recall. Includes customizable user interfaces and roles-based access control, providing tailorable access to features depending on user experience level. This reduces training time and costs.
  • Reduces configuration errors: Assists organizations in maintaining uptime, performance, and compliance with cyber security requirements
  • Simplifies troubleshooting: Through integrated tools for both entry-level and advanced network administrators, reducing reliance on contract field service representatives
  • Saves time: Automates complex, time-consuming and error-prone tasks with powerful wizards with common user interfaces across hardware and software components
  • Provides cyber situational awareness (SA): Enhanced network and cyber SA at the core and edge of the network with extensive real-time status, alerts, and auditing
  • Facilitates remote and distributed management: Ability to monitor, change device configurations and troubleshoot from anywhere in the world
  • Streamlines innovation: Interoperates with a broad range of the most popular tactical and enterprise communications hardware, systems, and protocols -- streamlining upgrades and adoption of new COTS technologies at the edge

IQ-Core NCM manages PacStar products and is also available for integration into customer-specified systems, OEM, and enterprise-class solutions.


  • Unlike enterprise network management software packages that are too heavy and don’t provide depth in key tactical requirements, PacStar developed IQ-Core Software to manage the unique challenges faced by tactical networks
  • Offers a unified view for network monitoring and diagnostics, providing operators with real-time situational awareness of the health of the network, and the ability to provide configuration management and troubleshooting of the entire suite of network software and devices, regardless of vendor
  • Tailorable for both non-specialists and power users. With Roles Based Access Control, IQ-Core Software includes a GUI, command-line access, and advanced automation technology in a single solution -- enabling IT specialists of any level of expertise to complete tasks faster, with fewer errors.


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IQ-Core Network Communications Manager (NCM)

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