The Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) to technology is becoming increasingly important in the defense and aerospace industries – so much so that the U.S. military’s 2019 tri-services memo has explicitly mandated that “MOSA supporting standards should be included in all requirements, programming, and development activities for future weapon system modifications and new start development programs to the maximum extent possible.”
And it’s not hard to see why. After decades of proprietary point solutions, defense and aerospace organizations are facing significant interoperability, flexibility, and size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) challenges on ground, air, and naval platforms.
Technical standards like The Open Group Sensor Open Systems Architecture0153 (SOSA) and the C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS) are designed specifically to alleviate these challenges and deliver a variety of benefits to C5ISR systems.