This video highlights three systems based on Curtiss-Wright’s rugged, high-performance embedded computers and NXP (formerly Freescale) processors.
- The VPX3-133 Single Board Computer (SBC) implements an NXP QorIQ Power Architecture T2080 processor in a 3U VPX form factor; it is paired with a VPX3-716 graphics module using an AMD 8860 GPU. This demo system is driving a Glass Cockpit demo, typical of graphics-intensive avionics applications.
- The Digital Beachhead is a vehicle management computer powered by NXP i.MX6 multi-core ARM processor. It also has a 16-port Ethernet switch and a range of flexible I/O interfaces, including USB, VGA, DVI, RS232/422, and CANbus. The Digital Beachhead demo is driving a video and system monitoring software.
- A rugged, conduction-cooled 3U VPX system powered by another VPX3-716 graphics module combined with an XMC-109 SBC based on the NXP P2020 processor. This solution implements graphics and SBC processing in a single 3U slot.
Video Transcript
My name is Mike Slonosky. I’m a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Curtiss-Wright, responsible for NXP-based Single Board Computers. Curtiss-Wright is a leading supplier of rugged, modules and systems used in embedded military, commercial, and avionics applications.
Today we have three different systems on display. The first one is powered by a 3U VPX processing module, the VPX3-133; it has a QorIQ T2080 processor. It is paired with a graphics card, the VPX3-716, which is powered by an AMD 8860 Graphics Processor. On the screen is a Glass Cockpit display, which is typical of graphics-intensive avionics applications.
In the center here we have our Digital Beachhead. It is a vehicle management computer powered by an NXP i.MX6 processor. It has a Vitesse Ethernet switch, with 16 Ethernet ports. It also has USB, video input, video output, serial ports, CANbus, and GPS. On the screen we have a video camera display, capturing me, and some outputs displaying the status of the Ethernet ports and other switch details.
Right here in front of me is a 3U rugged box, with a 3U rugged graphics card, the VPX3-716, powered by the AMD8860. In this system we have the VPX3-716 combined with a processor mezzanine, the XMC-109, that sits on top of the graphics card, providing a single slot graphics and Single Board Computer solution. The XMC-109 is powered by a Power Architecture P2020 processor.
If you’d like more information about Curtiss-Wright or our products, you can contact us on the internet at https://www.curtisswrightds.com.