U.S. Army and Marine Corps tactical networking and command post programs widely acknowledge the critical need to improve mobility. The current state of the art for field command posts requires hours of setup, including thousands of feet of copper wiring, which delays network availability and results in a dangerous potential gap in situational awareness for commanders.
A new class of deployable small wireless network systems is bringing the benefits of classified Wi-Fi access to warfighters in the field, allowing warfighters to use commercial smartphones, tablets and laptops to access classified information. These systems reduce setup time from hours to minutes, enabling mobility and improving situational awareness.
Successful and secure deployment of Wi-Fi for classified communications depends on advanced technology that conforms to NSA Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) guidelines. Additionally, deploying organizations must carefully conform to best practices in Wi-Fi configuration and management – particularly in the new age of cyber and electromagnetic threats.
This webinar provides an in-depth exploration of requirements and best practices for tactical classified Wi-Fi – and specific examples of how major defense programs are meeting these requirements using less expensive commercial, tactical technologies – in command post, soldier carry, and vehicle mounted use cases.
The session has been approved for 1 CompTIA CEU for A+, Network+, and Security+ and for 1 GIAC CPE.