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The TTC XPDR-2400 series transponder is the next generation of C-band transponders. It is used primarily to augment and enhance the tracking capabilities of C-band ground radars.
The unit provides 400 watts of pulsed RF output with typical power consumption of 28 watts, giving this product one of the lowest current draws in the industry today.
The transponder is programmable with the TTCWare configuration application or over a serial communications port using terminal emulation. An optional RS-485 multi-drop interface is also available.
- 400W transponder
- RCC-262-14 compatible
- Solid state design
- C-band 5.4-5.9 GHz
- High efficiency power supply
- Programmable via a serial COM port
- Receiver and Transmitter Frequency
- Pulse Width
- Code Spacing
- Reply Delay
- Sensitive superheterodyne receiver
- Crystal-controlled frequency stability
- Weight 43 ounces
- Mismatch protected from high antenna VSWR
- No pressurization required
- Instrumentation tracking radar
- Range expansion/enhancement
- Flight tests of various airborne vehicles