Showing 25 - 32 of 81
Military & Aerospace Electronics

Speed and Security for Military Data Storage

Rugged data storage systems for aerospace and defense applications are moving to new data interfaces for unparalleled speed and capacity, while trusted computing and information security are driving trends.


Is the CSfC Program Growing?

The Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program established by the National Security Agency in 2014 has been growing since its inception

Data-at-rest encryption

Planning to Export Data-at-Rest Storage with Encryption?

If you are developing a deployed vehicle, then you’re likely considering including a device to securely store classified, or at least sensitive, data.

Industry’s first COTS data-at-rest storage solution with two layers of full disk encryption (FDE) in a single device doubles removable SSD storage capacity from 4TB to 8TB

Curtiss-Wright Doubles the Storage Capacity of its NSA CSfC Components List Approved DTS1 Storage to 8TB

Industry’s first COTS data-at-rest storage solution with two layers of full disk encryption (FDE) in a single device doubles removable SSD storage capacity from 4TB to 8TB.

Military Embedded Systems

Keeping Up To Date With CSfC Capability Packages

Since its introduction in 2014, the National Security Agency Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) program has proven very effective in lowering the cost and speeding the accessibility of encryption for critical data-at-rest (DAR).

Data-at-rest security

White Paper Series: Data-At-Rest Encryption

The Data-At-Rest Encryption Series white papers provide background information, technical details, and a methodology for selecting a data-at-rest (DAR) security approach.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Radiation Tolerance Meets Commercial Space

The wave of commercially developed communications and remote-sensing satellites seeks to balance costs, capability, size, weight, and power consumption in the latest new space designs.

Military Embedded Systems

Contested Space, Small Sats, and the Gamble on COTS in Space

Contested space, where nations compete for military dominance outside Earth’s atmosphere, is driving many military space platforms, but commercial space and small satellites continue to change the way the military suppliers of space electronics approach radiation-hardened component design from testing to deployment.
