PacStar Secure, Modular, Agile, Rugged, & Tactical (SMART) Gateway

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The PacStar SMART Gateway is the first NSA registered tactical solution delivering multiple, simultaneous, Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) Capability Package solutions enabling Wi-Fi, LTE, Ad Hoc, and military network wireless access for mobile devices.

The PacStar SMART Gateway enables dual layers of PKI-enabled Suite-B encryption, combined with locally hosted tactical services, to offer a complete solution for classified wireless operations, in an airline carry-on-sized form factor. The system also provides wireless access and services for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) networks, simultaneously.

The PacStar SMART Gateway is registered for use in NSA CSfC Mobile Access Capability Package (MA CP) and WLAN Capability Package. The system's MA CP registration is wireless infrastructure agnostic and can work over any radio type without additional accreditation and certification.

  • A secure, converged, highspeed, PKI enabled encryption infrastructure capable of transmitting classified information, including simultaneous support for classified networks and unclassified networks
  • A complete, standalone system including all CSfC cybersecurity components necessary to meet NSA CSfC MA CP and WLAN CP capability packages
  • Integrated local, customizable tactical services providing chat, voice, PLI, FMV, RoIP, LTE, and more – providing common operational picture and common tactical picture


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PacStar Secure, Modular, Agile, Rugged, & Tactical (SMART) Gateway