Showing 1 - 12 of 20
DAR Series Part 4: NSA CSfC vs. Type 1 Encryption

DAR Series Part 4: NSA CSfC vs. Type 1 Encryption

Compare NSA Type 1 and CSfC encryption approaches across over a dozen factors, including procurement, risk, technology adoption, and exportability.

Build vs. Buy Considerations  for Deployed Data-at-Rest  Storage Devices

Build vs. Buy Considerations for Deployed Data-at-Rest Storage Devices

This paper focuses on deployed DAR devices. Whether you build a NAS or buy an existing COTS NAS, each approach has advantages and disadvantages.

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: Implementing Data-at-Rest and Data-in-Transit Encryption Solutions

Review the challenges for deploying QR encryption and how to implement DAR and data-in-transit QR encryption solutions using commercial FPGA devices and off-the-shelf hardware.

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: An Introduction to Post-Quantum Resistant Encryption

Securing Data with Quantum Resistant Algorithms: An Introduction to Post-Quantum Resistant Encryption

The goal of post-quantum cryptography is to develop cryptographic systems that are secure and can interoperate with existing communications protocols and networks.

DAR Series Part 3: NSA Type 1 Encryption

DAR Series Part 3: NSA Type 1 Encryption

Gain valuable insights into NSA Type 1 encryption including device consideration factors, encryption algorithms, and certification processes.

DAR Series Part 2: Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)

DAR Series Part 2: Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)

Learn about the innovative NSA CSfC program leveraging commercial encryption technologies in a layered approach for agile and cost-effective classified data protection.

DAR Series Part 1: Data Threats and Protection

DAR Series Part 1: Data Threats and Protection

Explore strategies for protecting classified data through encryption and considerations for choosing a data-at-rest encryption approach.

Why Trusted Platform Modules are Critical to Deployed Network Attached Storage

Why Trusted Platform Modules are Critical to Deployed Network Attached Storage

Classified data-at-rest (DAR) in deployed applications faces both internal and external threats that can subject sensitive data to exploitation.

B2 Bomber

Removing 10 GbE Network Attached Storage Bottlenecks

Network attached storage (NAS) devices have the ability to protect and store critical data at high-performance speeds.

Airborne Applications & Protecting Data at Rest

Airborne Applications & Protecting Data-at-Rest

Protecting top-secret data on network attached storage with National Security Agency (NSA) approved encryption for military aircraft.

Choosing the Right Data Storage Solutions for Modern Military Missions

Choosing the Right Data Storage Solutions for Modern Military Missions

This paper discusses the advanced characteristics of both network-attached storage devices and direct-attached storage devices.

Seaborne Applications & Protecting Data-at-Rest

Seaborne Applications & Protecting Data-at-Rest

Find out how seaborne applications like UUVs, USVs, and submarines store and protect top-secret data-at-rest with a network-attached storage device.
