Showing 209 - 216 of 1250
Shephard Media

In Touch Anywhere

US services are keen to provide SATCOM to frontline units and enable communication on the move worldwide. Shephard speaks to industry experts to identify the capabilities and limitations of this emerging technology.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Cyber Battlegrounds: Trusted Computing, Cyber Warfare, and Cyber Security for National Defense

The threat categories are many. Vehicle loss or capture, data loss or transport, nation state hackers or internal threats all can threaten or intercept data at rest.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Data Storage: It’s All Coming Up NVMe

Non-Volatile Memory Express is fast, small, and lightweight, yet it still has something to prove when it comes to ruggedization, thermal performance, and power consumption.

Curtiss-Wright Updates TDL Software Products in Advance of DoD’s Link 16 Cryptographic Modernization Capability Mandate

Curtiss-Wright Updates TDL Software Products in Advance of DoD’s Link 16 Cryptographic Modernization Capability Mandate

TCG LinkPRO, TCG BOSS, TCG GTS, and TCG ATR software products compliant with Link 16 Crypto Mod mandate in advance of January 1, 2022 deadline

Time Sensitive Networking

What is Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)?

Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) is a set of Ethernet networking capabilities that transmit time-sensitive data across standard Ethernet networks.

Military Embedded Systems

The Relative and the Absolute: A MOSA Path to Complementary Position, Navigation, and Time Information for GPS

The use of a modular open systems approach (MOSA) will benefit the effort to integrate alternative position, navigation, and timing (PNT) technologies into platforms.

Military Embedded Systems

Securing Telemetry Data with Commercial Encryption Standards Article from Military Embedded Systems

Telemetry data from military flight tests often needs to be secured, not only when at rest, but also while in motion across a network or a telemetry link.

CSfC Network attached storage

Can Top-Secret Data Be Transported Unclassified?

The CSfC program leverages commercial encryption technologies and products to provide much-needed cybersecurity solutions quickly.
