Showing 9 - 16 of 25
Curtiss-Wright and Green Hills Collaborate to Demo INTEGRITY-178 tuMP Safety-Certifiable RTOS on Arm VPX3-1703 SBC
Green Hills Software’s field-proven INTEGRITY-178 tuMP safety- and security-critical multi-core real-time operating system (RTOS) will be demonstrated for the first time running on the Curtiss-Wright VPX3-1703.
Curtiss-Wright and Green Hills Collaborate to Bring INTEGRITY-178 tuMP Safety-Certifiable RTOS to VPX3-1703 Arm SBC
Low-power Arm-based VPX3-1703 joins Curtiss-Wright’s family of Intel® and Power Architecture® SBCs and expands support for Green Hills Software® INTEGRITY®-178 tuMP Safety-Certifiable RTOS.