A video describing how the Axon handles ARINC-429 through its modules, settings, features, etc. and how these can be accessed in DAS Studio.
This is a presentation on ARINC-429 bus monitoring in Axon. The AXN/ABM/401 is a 24-channel ARINC-429 parser/packetizer module. It supports bus speed detection - the bus speed is indicated in the bus speed parameter. There's a bus active parameter that tells you which buses are currently active. There's a module count parameter, which is a count of all the ARINC-429 words received across all the channels. There's a module report parameter. It indicates error detection, what bus it happened on and what type of error and there are module temperature parameters that can be used for system health monitoring.
You see these in DAS Studio - this is the module word count parameter. These are the bus speed all parameters. These are the bus active all parameters and this is the module report parameter.
At the channel level, there are channel word count parameters that give a count of ARINC-429 words received on each individual channel. And there's parity checking that can be configured to odd/even or none. Parity errors are indicated in both the report parameter and the iNET-X packetizer info words.
These are the individual word count parameters for each bus and parity checking is configured here as not checked, to check for odd parity or even parity.
The AXN/ABM/401 is a parser packetizer module. To explain the parsing functionality, parsing is the ability to cherry-pick specific ARINC-429 messages off individual buses and then you can place them in ethernet packets or PCM frames. The user defines rules to identify specific messages out of the thousands that could be on the wire. Rules can be defined on labels, SDI, or SSM fields. For each message, there are time tag parameters and message count parameters. The AXN/ABM/401 supports 24,574 parser rules across all buses.
To configure the parser, you use the ARINC-429 builder in DAS Studio. You select what bus you want to find a rule on, you add a message, you can edit the label, edit the SDI field, edit the SSM field and then add a parameter to that label. For that label then there are tag parameters for message count and message time.
As we said before, the AXN/ABM/401 is also a parser packetizer. This explains the packetizer functionality. Packetizing is the process of bulk capture of all ARINC-429 messages. It can be done for each individual bus to a unique Ethernet stream, per bus, or combined with all busses going to a single Ethernet stream.
Data can be packetized into formats like iNET-X, IENA D-Type, IENA N-Type, or Chapter 10 UDP. So for each ARINC-429 word off the wire, there's a timestamp generated and an information word generated. As they arrive they are then placed in the ethernet packet and when the packet is full the packet is transmitted.
To enable the packetizers, you select what format you want to use, iNET-X, IENA, or Chapter 10, you type in a unique stream ID and you check Packetization Enabled. That enables the packetizer for that channel.
The packetizers on the AXN/ABM/401 can also be filtered. Under Pass All mode, all traffic is packetized into the Ethernet stream. Under Pass by Rule only ARINC-429 words that match the rules are packetized. All other ARINC-429 words are blocked.
Under Block by Rule, ARINC-429 words that match the rules are blocked. All other ARINC-429 words are packetized.
To configure the filtering, again it's done in the ARINC-429 builder. On a particular bus, you define your rule for the message, by the label, SDI and SSM and you set Packetizer Filter Rule enabled - enable the rule. That can be set to Pass All. Under Pass All, all messages received will be packetized. If it's set to Pass by Rule, just the messages with the packetizer filter rule enabled will be packetized. If it's set to Block by Rule, all messages other than the ones with the filter rule enabled will be blocked.
The AXN/ABM/401 allows the user to define where the packetizer traffic goes. The packetizer traffic can be directed to the controller port only so they just route it out of the ethernet ports of the BCU only. They can be routed to a specific slot inside the chassis. So you can route the packetizer to another module in a specific slot, as in a recorder module or a Chapter 7 PCM encoder. Or set it to All - under All, all packetizer traffic is routed to the BCU and all other user modules. So you will be able to record data inside a recorder module and transmit over ethernet at the same time. Thank you.