Historically, tactical ground vehicles have been burdened by large "bolt-on" Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) electronics packages equipped with proprietary, stove-piped communication interfaces, coupled with numerous independent Global Positioning System (GPS) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) peripheral devices. This has taxed not only the technology acquisition and upgrade cost for these vehicle programs and the interoperability of vetronics subsystems, but also impacted the physical space allotted for people, ammunition, and supplies.
Modern efforts like the U.S. Army’s VICTORY (Vehicle Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability) initiative and the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) are posed to shift the current paradigm of the system of systems engineering. This white paper will discuss some of the drivers and benefits of deploying an open, scalable vetronics system architecture as envisioned by these initiatives, and how modern Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) technologies are enabling network-enabled switching, shared processing, and assured military position navigation timing (PNT) services for Size, Weight, Power and Cost (SWaP-C)-constrained tactical ground vehicles. An overview of VICTORY services, Military Code (M-Code) GPS technology, as well as commercial shared network/processor line replaceable units (LRUs) optimized for tactical ground vehicle environments will be provided.
VICTORY Leadership with COTS Solutions
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions division introduced the first integrated COTS VICTORY system solution. This rugged “Digital Beachhead” system featured a GigE switch combined with a tightly integrated vehicle management computer, delivering a VICTORY databus, management, and shared services. This product represented a low-cost rugged ground vehicle “appliance” for modernizing ground vehicles to comply with the VICTORY standard.
At the frontline of bringing the VICTORY architecture into ground vehicles, rugged COTS technologies from Curtiss-Wright are helping to showcase the benefits of adopting a common network fabric for C4ISR architecture and consolidating modern computing and networking architectures for SWaP optimization.
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- Military Code GPS
- Arm CPU
- Assured PNT
- Situational awareness
- Ground vehicle networking
- Network-centric operations
- System of systems
- Rugged COTS systems
- SWaP-optimization