TDL Test and Training

TCG TDL Testing and Training
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Curtiss-Wright has an experienced staff with a rich history in tactical data links (TDLs) processing solutions. From system software engineers and architects to Joint Interface Control Officers (JICO), Curtiss-Wright has the capability to provide your organization with expertise in TDLs. This expertise can range from exercise support, to special studies and analyses, to assistance with testing TDL implementation in weapon systems to ensure interoperability and compliance with military standards. If you’re in need of these types of services, please contact our TCG Product Support Team.



Curtiss-Wright provides two distinct, comprehensive TDL training programs.

  • The first type of training is for all TCG products and is geared to each customer's unique requirements and experience level.
  • The second type of training is customizable Operational Training that ranges from Introductory Link 22 and Link 16 knowledge to advanced operational concepts and practices. Annual on-site training and software updates are provided under our Product Support Gold maintenance plan. This allows new users to become proficient in the use of TCG products and also provides existing users with additional training, including new product enhancements.

Our operations support team provides brief examples of this Operational Training during the International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) and TCG’s annual Users Group meeting (TUG).

For more information on the status of your maintenance plan or how to get a maintenance plan, please contact us.


  • Reduce the time, risk, and expense of tactical data link implementation and integration with Curtiss-Wright TDL testing, simulation, validation, processing, training, and gateway solutions
  • Our products and services support Link 16, Link 11, VMF, CESMO, Cursor-on-Target, SADL, JREAP-A, JREAP-C, Serial-J, DIS, SIMPLE, AIS, ADS-B, and GPS data links and protocols.
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TDL Test and Training

TCG TDL Testing and Training