Showing 13 - 24 of 480
Protect and Isolate NAS Functions with Software Full Disk Encryption and Disk Partitioning

Protect and Isolate NAS Functions with Software Full Disk Encryption and Disk Partitioning

Through disk partitioning and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) data-at-rest (DAR) encryption, this paper proposes a solution that reduces the risk of data loss, corruption, and accessibility if intercepted.


Data-at-Rest Encryption Guide

Cost-effective, proven, and certified COTS storage solutions that match various data security requirements, including NSA Type 1, NSA CSfC, CC, NIAPC and FIPS 140-2.

Choosing the Right Data Storage Solutions For Aerospace and Defense Applications

Choosing the Right Data Storage Solutions For Aerospace and Defense Applications

This paper discusses the advanced characteristics of both network-attached storage devices and direct-attached storage devices.

Optimizing Video Capture and Storage for Deployed Aircraft

Optimizing Video Capture and Storage for Deployed Aircraft

This paper focuses on the secure recording and storage of video data captured by camera systems in deployed military aircraft.

Copper or Fiber for Military & Aerospace Networks?

Copper or Fiber for Military & Aerospace Networks

In this white paper, Dominic Perez, Aaron Frank and Jeff Evans examine the pros and cons of both fiber optic and copper networking technology for today’s military and aerospace applications.

Power Over Ethernet in FTI: Suitability and Challenges

Power over Ethernet in FTI: Suitability and Challenges

One approach for significantly reducing wiring weight and simplifying the installation of distributed data acquisition systems (DAS) on test aircraft is to leverage Power Over Ethernet (PoE), first standardized by the IEEE in 2003[1].


Webinar: Deploying Advanced Cross-Domain Solutions at the Tactical Edge for Strategic Information Dominance

Dominic Perez, Chief Technology Officer at Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions and Michael Blake, Chief Architect, Owl Cyber Defense, talk about how to leverage cutting-edge data collaboration across the connected battlefield.

Aerospace Instrumentation Brochure

Aerospace Instrumentation Brochure

Largest data acquisition provider in the world. See our full range of cutting-edge Aerospace Instrumentation products.

Integrating SOSA/CMOSS Systems with Wider Defense Networks

Integrating SOSA/CMOSS Systems with Wider Defense Networks

This whitepaper discusses the alignment of SOSA and CMOSS systems within the Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) framework, highlighting the importance of interoperability, scalability, and security.

DAR Series Part 2: Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)

DAR Series Part 2: Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)

Learn about the innovative NSA CSfC program leveraging commercial encryption technologies in a layered approach for agile and cost-effective classified data protection.

BOSS Capabilities Statement Brochure

BOSS Capabilities Statement Brochure

Curtiss-Wright’s TCG BOSS TDL testing and platform integration solution allows end users to verify that the TDL implementations being delivered on aircraft and other military platforms conform to Link 22, Link 16, Link 11, VMF, JREAP, SIMPLE, SADL, DIS, and related TDL standards and interface definitions.

Reducing Unscheduled Grounding Events with Adaptable Predictive Maintenance

Reducing Unscheduled Grounding Events with Adaptable Predictive Maintenance

A commercial flight operator realized a successful predictive maintenance program capturing data to produce accurate maintenance forecasts and predicting potential service disruptions. Read about the solution Curtiss-Wright developed here.
