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The KAD/FBM/105 acts as a leaf in the FireWire bus topology. To all other nodes on the bus, the link layer and transaction layer appear deactivated.

The KAD/FBM/105 parses isochronous or asynchronous stream packets; all other traffic (configuration traffic, PHY packets, and asynchronous transactions) is ignored. Selected packets and associated tag information are stored in triple buffered parser slots. The size of the parser buffer, and consequently the number of parser buffers, can be adapted to each application, depending on the rate and the maximum size of the data payload. If the maximum data payload is up to 1,024 bytes, 511 parser slots are available; if it is 2,048 bytes, 256 parser slots are available; and if it is 4,096 bytes, up to 128 parser slots are available. 

FireWire packets are parsed in two stages. First, packets are filtered to accept only isochronous and asynchronous stream packets (traffic with transaction code 0xA). Then the isochronous packet header quadlet, and five quadlets of the FireWire packet data payload, are used to classify the packet and determine which of the parser slots the packet is written to. At S100b, the packet must be at least 13 quadlets (52 bytes) long. At S200b, the packet must be at least 21 quadlets (84 bytes) long. At S400b, the packet must be at least 41 quadlets (164 bytes) long. Packets smaller than these are dropped. Packets received within 2.2 μs (S200b) or 3.2 μs (S400b) after an STOF packet are dropped. (An STOF packet is 13 quadlets long and has a 0X00281FA0 header.)


  • Monitors an IEEE 1394b S100b, S200b, S400b bus
  • Coherently parses traffic and tags
  • Supports 511 (1k), 256 (2k), or 128 (4k) messages (including one catchall slot)
  • Parser discards bus configuration, PHY packets, and other synchronous packets (except traffic with transaction code 0xA)
  • Provides transaction counters and error detection


  • FireWire beta mode bus monitoring
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