Showing 1 - 8 of 14
Network attached storage UAV

Video Recording, Storage, and Encryption

High-definition video streams can now be captured by a rugged Network Attached Storage that is also being used as a standard file server.

Edge Computing

Edge Computing, Encryption, and DAR

Paul Davis takes a look at Edge Computing and approved encryption methods for Data at Rest on Network Attached Storage.

CSfC Network attached storage

Can Top-Secret Data Be Transported Unclassified?

The CSfC program leverages commercial encryption technologies and products to provide much-needed cybersecurity solutions quickly.

Data at Rest UAV

Meeting the Challenge of Managing Both Data-in-Motion and Data-at-Rest Devices

From mission computers to sensor management computers, these subsystems must share data via Ethernet networks. We look at data-in-motion, data-in-transit and data-at-rest solutions.

Military vehicle video system

7 Ways Single-Vendor Video Systems Reduce Risks and Costs

Choosing a single vendor for a complete video management system massively reduces program risks and costs.

Flash memory NOR and NAND

NAND vs NOR Flash: Types of Flash Memory

There are two primary types of non-volatile flash memory devices in use today: NOR and NAND flash. We look at the differences between NAND and NOR flash devices.

ssd flash drive

Flash SSD & the Evolution of Storage and Backups

Aaron Frank reflects on the evolution of storage and backups, and ponders the long-term reliability of SSDs for data storage.

video management system abrams tank

The 3 Challenges of Video System Design

Cost effective video management system integration ensures you can stay in your mission longer; or extend your mission’s duration.
