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The KAD/DEC/103 is a dual PCM decommutator that can accept two independent PCM streams. Data from each stream is individually parsed into a minor frame buffer from which it can be read coherently over the backplane. The KAD/DEC/103 is ideally suited to merge two PCM streams in a distributed acquisition system with a star configuration. In a typical distributed acquisition system where each KAM-500 is operated synchronously, the KAD/DEC/103 runs in synchronous mode.

Data is decommutated by the decoder before it is read over the backplane. In this mode there is no need for stale or skipped indication. When decommutating data from an encoder running asynchronously, data is parsed into a coherent buffer. All parameters read are guaranteed to be from the same minor frame. If data is read slower than it is received, minor frames are skipped occasionally. If data is read faster than it is received, minor frames are repeated (stale) occasionally. In asynchronous mode, it is recommended that the stale and skipped indication be read.


  • Decommutates two IRIG-106 PCM streams
  • AcceDecommutates up to two IRIG-106 PCM streams in NRZ-L (up to 20Mbps) or BIØ-L codes (up to 8Mbps)
  • Up to 4k words per minor frame with programmable word length (4-64), parity (odd/even/none), and word orientation per word
  • Operates in synchronous mode with other Acra KAM-500s or in asynchronous mode with third-party PCM encoders


  • Distributed data acquisition systems
  • PCM decoders/mergers
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