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Modular Open Systems Approach

What is a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)?

The Modular Open Systems Approach directive has accelerated the adoption of a variety of Modular Open Systems Approach supporting standards, including SOSA, CMOSS, FACE, VICTORY, and GVA, by the Army, Air Force, and Navy.

Artificial Intelligence on battlefield

Artificial Intelligence Applications for the Military at the Network Edge

Edge computing can takes the necessary processing power away from data centers to the network’s edge.

Military vehicle video system

7 Ways Single-Vendor Video Systems Reduce Risks and Costs

Choosing a single vendor for a complete video management system massively reduces program risks and costs.

video management system abrams tank

The 3 Challenges of Video System Design

Cost effective video management system integration ensures you can stay in your mission longer; or extend your mission’s duration.
