Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Military vehicle video system

7 Ways Single-Vendor Video Systems Reduce Risks and Costs

Choosing a single vendor for a complete video management system massively reduces program risks and costs.

Flash memory NOR and NAND

NAND vs NOR Flash: Types of Flash Memory

There are two primary types of non-volatile flash memory devices in use today: NOR and NAND flash. We look at the differences between NAND and NOR flash devices.

ssd flash drive

Flash SSD & the Evolution of Storage and Backups

Aaron Frank reflects on the evolution of storage and backups, and ponders the long-term reliability of SSDs for data storage.

situational awareness

Increase Situational Awareness and Reduce System Complexity with a Single-Box Solution

Small, fast, integrated DBH-672 Digital Beachhead system delivers advanced Arm computing and Gigabit switching in an impressively small form factor.

Position, Navigation and Timing

The Technical Challenges of Developing Effective and Reliable A-PNT Solutions

David Jedynak looks at some of the technical challenges involved in developing effective and reliable Assured Position, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT) solutions.
