Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Flash memory NOR and NAND

NAND vs NOR Flash: Types of Flash Memory

There are two primary types of non-volatile flash memory devices in use today: NOR and NAND flash. We look at the differences between NAND and NOR flash devices.

ssd flash drive

Flash SSD & the Evolution of Storage and Backups

Aaron Frank reflects on the evolution of storage and backups, and ponders the long-term reliability of SSDs for data storage.

f-35 Power Architecture

Filling the Power Architecture Void: What’s Next?

Power Architecture processing units maintain their reliability and performance levels in systems deployed in harsh environments.

UAV Mezzanine Processor

How to Realize Enormous Processing Power in a Single Slot

Aaron Frank looks at how Dual Processors can significantly boost an SBC’s processing power to meet demanding performance requirements.
