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Modular Open Systems Approach

What is a Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA)?

The Modular Open Systems Approach directive has accelerated the adoption of a variety of Modular Open Systems Approach supporting standards, including SOSA, CMOSS, FACE, VICTORY, and GVA, by the Army, Air Force, and Navy.

Military vehicle video system

7 Ways Single-Vendor Video Systems Reduce Risks and Costs

Choosing a single vendor for a complete video management system massively reduces program risks and costs.

situational awareness

Increase Situational Awareness and Reduce System Complexity with a Single-Box Solution

Small, fast, integrated DBH-672 Digital Beachhead system delivers advanced Arm computing and Gigabit switching in an impressively small form factor.

military vehicles

How Mission System Architecture Choices Affect SWaP

The challenge of fitting all the mission system electronics on-board SWaP-constrained military vehicles, while meeting reliability and schedule constraints.
