Showing 65 - 67 of 67
Curtiss-Wright, Green Hills Software and Richland Technologies Demonstrate Deterministic Safety-Certifiable COTS Multicore System

Curtiss-Wright, Green Hills Software and Richland Technologies Demonstrate Deterministic Safety-Certifiable COTS Multicore System

Demo highlights advantages of time partitioned/unified operating system approach for certified applications, using multicore INTEGRITY-178 tuMP™ RTOS and RTGL OpenGL SC libraries running on OpenVPX™ NXP Power Architecture single board computer.

Curtiss-Wright Selected by ELV to Provide Cost-Effective Telemetry System for the European Space Agency's New Vega-C Launcher

Curtiss-Wright Selected by ELV to Provide Cost-Effective Telemetry System for the ESA's New Vega-C Launcher

Curtiss-Wright will provide its Smart Backplane radiation tolerant COTS electronics data acquisition technology.

Curtiss-Wright Announces its "Bicycle Shop" Technology Incubator for Next-Gen Technologies

Curtiss-Wright Announces its Bicycle Shop" Technology Incubator for Next-Gen Technologies

Introducing the Curtiss-Wright "Bicycle Shop," an internal incubator for first phase exploration of next-generation market-leading technologies.
