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Trusted Computing for National Defense

Trusted Computing for National Defense

Computer experts are deepening their defenses against cyber attack and information security breaches.

Trusted Computing for National Defense

Trusted Computing for National Defense

Cyber security enters the realm of zero trust, as military forces seek to safeguard sensitive military technologies from enemy cyber hackers and spoofers.

Military Embedded Systems Magazine

Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA), Unmanned Vehicles, and Trusted Computing

System integrators need to ensure that the sensor systems and the critical data they collect and store are protected from falling into the wrong hands.

Military Embedded Systems

Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA), Unmanned Vehicles, and Trusted Computing

Today, with the increasing use of unmanned platforms to host intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance [ISR] sensor applications, system integrators need to ensure that the sensor systems and the critical data they collect and store are protected from falling into the wrong hands.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Cyber Battlegrounds: Trusted Computing, Cyber Warfare, and Cyber Security for National Defense

The threat categories are many. Vehicle loss or capture, data loss or transport, nation state hackers or internal threats all can threaten or intercept data at rest.

Military Embedded Systems

Minimizing Latency Can Enhance Situational Awareness In Tactical Ground Vehicles

Through-armor video systems provide in-vehicle crews of manned and remote crews of unmanned ground vehicles with critical visibility and situational awareness. This vital visual information needs to be accessible as close to real-time as possible.

Microwaves & RF

Open Standards Drive Flexibility in Defense System Designs

Backed by broad support from government and industry, the release of SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 promises a new era of open standards-based system integration with flexibility and interoperability as its hallmarks.

Military Embedded Systems

Enterprise Cyberdefenses Needed to Defend Embedded Networks

The U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Space Force are actively looking to new programs such as Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) to ensure warfighters have maximum situational awareness.
