Showing 9 - 16 of 82
Trusted Computing for National Defense

Trusted Computing for National Defense

Cyber security enters the realm of zero trust, as military forces seek to safeguard sensitive military technologies from enemy cyber hackers and spoofers.

Military Embedded Systems

Reducing SWaP in the Field with a USB-based Hardware Security Module

Digital keys are a core concept in establishing secure networks, one as relevant in a data center application as it is at the edge of the tactical battlefield.


Wireless Communications at the Tactical Edge

Warfighters on the battlefield have relied on wireless communications for more than 80 years, dating back to the first Motorola ‘manpack’ radio used by the Army Signal Corps in the 1940s.


Creating the Data Fabric for Tactical Edge with Software-Defined Wide Area Networking

A software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) can establish a data fabric capable of dealing with any tactical edge scenario where reliable WAN is needed.

Military & Aerospace Electronics

Energy Storage for Military Applications Faces Demands for More Power

Mobile electronics for the battlefield go hand-in-hand with batteries, and have done so for years. It’s not news that electronics that can’t be plugged-in relies on the energy-storage medium of batteries.


Strength in Numbers

CESMO and the Power of EW Interoperability - knowing the precise location of threats and friendly forces is essential to increasing warfighter survivability.

Military Embedded Systems

Secure Wireless Communication Supports Mounted and Dismounted Connectivity

Secure wireless communications (SWC) technology for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-end user device (V2E) communication is useful for tactical environments as it improves network flexibility and operational maneuverability while reducing management complexity and cost.

Milsat Magazine

Secure Wireless Solutions for Tactical, Expeditionary, + Deployable Communications

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) tactical/expeditionary networking and command post programs have widely acknowledged the critical need to improve mobility.
