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The XMC-603 PMC module allows customers to readily incorporate MIL-STD-1553 into military and aerospace embedded computing systems. As one of several products in our comprehensive range of rugged XMC modules, the XMC-603 integrates well with other elements of our product line, featuring technical support, lifecycle management services, and assured long-term availability.

The card supports up to four BU-64843X Total ACE MIL-STD-1553 controllers. The controllers are available with both direct-coupled or transformer-coupled interfaces. Due to pin limitations, some variants support both direct- and transformer-coupled interfaces, while others do not (see Table 1 in the product sheet).

The XMC-603 is connected to the processing complex through a x1 lane PCIe Gen 1 interface.

As the XMC-603 is designed to meet VITA 42 specifications, it can run off either 5 V or 12 V.

Key Features

  • Up to four independent MIL-STD-1553 interfaces
  • Support for MIL-STD-1553A, MIL-STD-1553B Notice 2, and STANAG 3838 
  • MIL-STD-1553 interface implemented with the DDC Total-ACE MIL-STD-1553 controller
    • Supports 64K bytes dual-port RAM with parity
  • Both transformer-coupled and direct-coupled interfaces supported
  • BC, RT, MT modes independently selectable for each channel
  • Backplane I/O 
  • Linux, VxWorks and Windows XP-E drivers available
  • x1 PCI Express Gen1 interface 
  • Requires 5 V or 12 V, and 3.3 V from the carrier card
  • Available in
    • Air-cooled: Level 0, 100
    • Conduction-cooled: Level 200



  • Military and civil aerospace applications 
  • SWaP-constrained applications requiring advanced I/O options 
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